Happiness is How You Create Your Life
Did you ever hear the expression, "Into every life a little rain must fall?" Do you believe that every person must endure ups and downs? Personally, I do not see how anyone can be completely happy and carefree in every moment of their life.
After all, if you do not know how sadness feels, how could you possibly know when you experience joy? And if you never knew disappointment, could you know success? I discovered that some of the people who I always thought were the happiest people I knew turned out to be quite sad inside.
They pretended all was great and wonderful.
Yet in crisis, they became instantly angry and unfair to those in their world.
Happiness, as I talk about it, is the real, deep knowing within that all is well.
No matter how life looks, a truly happy person knows everything moves as it needs to in the moment.
Such people look for, and always find, the solution they need to move into a more pleasing state quickly.
There are only two states of being: one is when you are in touch with your Divine Self, living in Divine energy of Love and Light for yourself and all; one is where you are out of touch with your Divine Self and cannot feel love for yourself or for others.
In the first state, you live in the flow of life.
Everything works for you.
When a crisis happens you easily find the gift and hang on to that knowledge to move you swiftly out of the crisis.
In the latter state your life will remain unhappy as you experience fear and doubt.
When you feel yourself separated from the Universal Life Force that created all that is, you fail to feel the loving reassurance that everything is always perfect regardless of how it appears to be.
When you feel good you are in touch with that Divine Energy that is you.
When you feel unhappy scared or uncertain know that you disconnected, or unplugged yourself from that energy.
In which case, choose to plug in again.
Find a happy thought that allows you to feel happy.
Hold on to it and re-live it.
Since your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what you imagine, you will actually re-live the happy moment.
Do it over and over until you find that you truly do feel happy.
Ah ha! You now find yourself connected to the Divine Energy which allows your life to flow.
After all, if you do not know how sadness feels, how could you possibly know when you experience joy? And if you never knew disappointment, could you know success? I discovered that some of the people who I always thought were the happiest people I knew turned out to be quite sad inside.
They pretended all was great and wonderful.
Yet in crisis, they became instantly angry and unfair to those in their world.
Happiness, as I talk about it, is the real, deep knowing within that all is well.
No matter how life looks, a truly happy person knows everything moves as it needs to in the moment.
Such people look for, and always find, the solution they need to move into a more pleasing state quickly.
There are only two states of being: one is when you are in touch with your Divine Self, living in Divine energy of Love and Light for yourself and all; one is where you are out of touch with your Divine Self and cannot feel love for yourself or for others.
In the first state, you live in the flow of life.
Everything works for you.
When a crisis happens you easily find the gift and hang on to that knowledge to move you swiftly out of the crisis.
In the latter state your life will remain unhappy as you experience fear and doubt.
When you feel yourself separated from the Universal Life Force that created all that is, you fail to feel the loving reassurance that everything is always perfect regardless of how it appears to be.
When you feel good you are in touch with that Divine Energy that is you.
When you feel unhappy scared or uncertain know that you disconnected, or unplugged yourself from that energy.
In which case, choose to plug in again.
Find a happy thought that allows you to feel happy.
Hold on to it and re-live it.
Since your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what you imagine, you will actually re-live the happy moment.
Do it over and over until you find that you truly do feel happy.
Ah ha! You now find yourself connected to the Divine Energy which allows your life to flow.