Montana Food Stamp Qualifications
- The Montana food stamp program, also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), provides low-income individuals and families with a debit card to use at grocery stores and other food markets. Participants can use the monthly benefits to pay for food, edible plants and seeds that produce edible plants. SNAP beneficiaries cannot use the card to pay for alcohol or prepared food.
- To qualify for the Montana SNAP program, you must be a permanent resident of Montana. You also must be a U.S. citizen or a legal immigrant. Federal law disqualifies immigrants who have not been in the U.S. for at least five years. All applicants must provide a Social Security Card, green card or other proof of citizenship.
- The maximum income for an individual is $14,079 and increases by approximately $4,800 per additional member of the household as of August 2010. Applicants can have not more than $2,001 is assets including bank accounts, stocks and other investments. This amount increases to $3,001 for household with someone over the age of 60 or disabled.
- Montana requires SNAP participants between the ages of 16 and 60 to work at least 30 hours a week or attend job training. Montana waives this requirement for disabled people.
- Most individuals who are not disabled and do not have any dependent children only qualify for food stamps for three months within any 36-month period. Families with children do not have a time limit.
- If you are found guilty of trading your SNAP benefits for drugs, you will not be able to receive benefits for two years. You will lose your SNAP benefits permanently if you trade benefits for drugs a second time or if you trade the benefits for firearms or ammunition.
Citizenship and Residency
Income and Assets
Work Activities
Time Limit
Criminal Activity