The Passage of Health Care Reform

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Forty years of lamenting on the floors of the Capitol and finally, the long due health care reform bill has been passed with 219 - 212 votes. The bill that will shape the whole nation, people who have no coverage at all, health workers on medical scrubs, and most importantly the insurers. The votes were all from the Democratic side of the chamber, not astoundingly though. The Republicans emphasized demanding pitches as the bill is being debated on the floor and maintained their position on the bill. Yet, the passage still moved so swiftly albeit roughly that the White House is now cleaning the President's desk and preparing a new good pen for the bill's final signature of approval from the Chief Executive. Many hypothesized that the votes will be in favor of the President to the point that even House Speaker Pelosi's smiles are given meaning by the media.

Previous to this landmark passage, the President cancelled or delayed several foreign trips just to stay home to lobby to several congressmen for votes. He was always seen and captioned in photos wherein he is on a phone with a member of the congress. Just before the passage of the bill, Obama visited the premises of the Capitol Hill to pitch his last call of getting the bill right onto his desk. And even last week, he sponsored a bipartisan summit at the Blair House to tackle the bill with skeptic Republicans.

However the Democrats problem no longer resides on the Republicans but on their own fence. 38 of the Democrat congressmen voted against the bill raising concern about a bill's pro-abortion entries worsened by the alleged using of the government fund for such an immoral acts. Last year, the White House saw a swift victory over the two drafts that has passed the two chambers floors in Nov. 7 and Dec. 24. The difference in the versions of the Senate and House, reconciliation is seen as a good answer. The reconciliation was hard and that the Republicans can use whatever tactics including offering amendments to the bill in order to delay the voting. But the GOP did not prevail in the chambers. The 216 votes that needed for the bill to be passed have been reached.

For the moment the President posted in the White House website an Executive Order that strengthens the bill prior to its passage. The same EO has raised trust among skeptic Democrats and urged them to say "Yes" for the bill.

To top the whole story, the GOP side is not happy about the Democrats "reform bill" but no longer have a single bullet to fall over the bill down. Democrats, those who sided with the Yes votes, are eager to bring the controversial bill to the President's table. The said bill is said to be signed earlier on Tuesday. The President confided that the bill itself is not perfect for it cannot provide everyone's wishes on health care reform but at least it is a bill that is considered best for the majority of the Americans even those health care workers in medical scrubs.
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