The Many and Varied Grounds for Divorce That Is Faced by an Attorney
Divorce is never a pleasant issue, unless there are mutual agreements between both parties, which make for a very amicable parting. There are many reasons for divorcing, and it is always hardest on the children if there are any from the union. Remember you are severing the cords that kept you both together for the many years you were married. Children, if they are small, do not have the capacity to understand why their moms and dads are not going to live together again, and most time will blame themselves as the reason the family is splitting.
Grounds for divorce vary from country to country or from State to State, so if you and your spouse are divorcing, you will need to get an attorney who is experienced to help with the many legal situations that may arise. Adultery is the main ground for divorce in the United States, while all States recognize the €no fault divorce€ as grounds to grant a divorce. They are categorized as incompatibility, irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, irreconcilable differences, or a legal or agreed period of separation, which a divorce may be granted.
There is another category €fault divorce€, that is usually a claim by one party of offense that was done to them by the other party. Their justification for this claim must be proved by the divorce attorney, who needs to get all relevant facts from their client, of time, date and any material proof of claim. Grounds for fault divorce are classified in the category of adultery, mental illness, abandonment, physical abuse, or any criminal conviction.
Generally the grounds for divorce will fall under these categories, which if they are proven will enable the defendant to arrange for a divorce.
They are:
1. Desertion
2. Cruel Treatment
3. Adultery
4. Physical Incapacity
5. Sexual Harassment
6. Drunkenness
The spouse that is making any of the noted allegations needs to be able to prove beyond any doubt that the incidence or incidences took place. In the United States, the burden of proof needs to be proven within the State the offences were alleged to have taken place. It is the responsibility of the authority to hear and administer justice for or against the allegations. The attorney engaged to defend his or her client, must be experienced to be able to prove before any judge or jury panel, if it is necessary, the allegations made.
Grounds for divorce vary from country to country or from State to State, so if you and your spouse are divorcing, you will need to get an attorney who is experienced to help with the many legal situations that may arise. Adultery is the main ground for divorce in the United States, while all States recognize the €no fault divorce€ as grounds to grant a divorce. They are categorized as incompatibility, irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, irreconcilable differences, or a legal or agreed period of separation, which a divorce may be granted.
There is another category €fault divorce€, that is usually a claim by one party of offense that was done to them by the other party. Their justification for this claim must be proved by the divorce attorney, who needs to get all relevant facts from their client, of time, date and any material proof of claim. Grounds for fault divorce are classified in the category of adultery, mental illness, abandonment, physical abuse, or any criminal conviction.
Generally the grounds for divorce will fall under these categories, which if they are proven will enable the defendant to arrange for a divorce.
They are:
1. Desertion
2. Cruel Treatment
3. Adultery
4. Physical Incapacity
5. Sexual Harassment
6. Drunkenness
The spouse that is making any of the noted allegations needs to be able to prove beyond any doubt that the incidence or incidences took place. In the United States, the burden of proof needs to be proven within the State the offences were alleged to have taken place. It is the responsibility of the authority to hear and administer justice for or against the allegations. The attorney engaged to defend his or her client, must be experienced to be able to prove before any judge or jury panel, if it is necessary, the allegations made.