Read this and your blog WILL NOT fail

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Read this and your blog will not fail, there are lot's of people around who will give you a ton of reasons why your blog will fail. I'm here to tell you that these people are wrong. If you are prepared to listen to what I have to say I will equip you with the knowledge and tools to give your blog the best chance of making it big! First of all I'd like to point something out. The only way your blog can fail is if you quit. If you give up on your blog because it hasn't met your expectations then you've failed. Instead of giving up, take a step back and evaluate the situation, ask yourself this:
  • What is/was my goal?
  • Why haven't I met that goal?
  • How can I achieve that goal?


Asking yourself that last question means you're not a quitter and your well on the road to becoming a success. Having this winners mindset allows you to learn whenever something goes wrong and move forward with the new found knowledge. Learning to push through and learn from setback only makes you stronger, it enables you to stop the same problems happening again. You don't have to be a Internet marketing guru to make money online, I know people who blog about Biology and make more than a decent living out it. The most important part of blogging is to love what you're talking about.If you're passionate about your topic then you'll be more likely to produce fantastic content because:
  • You know what you're talking about.
  • You actually WANT to write about it!


You'll also be much less likely to lose interest and give up on your blog, if you love what you are writing about. Loving what you're writing about and producing great content as a result, is what will ultimately lead to the success of your blog and a following of loyal readers. When you first start out blogging, understand this; no-one cares about you, your products or your blog. What people do care about is solving their problems, and solving their problems is the only way your going to get any recognition for your efforts. Before you start blogging, to get off to the best possible start and have a chance of making any money at all you need to:
  • Identify a niche that you love talking about & has a problems that need to be solved.
  • Ask yourself if you can solve the problem(s) in that niche.


A good example of this is my niche, making money online. Readers in my niche (that's you!) want to learn how to make money online, so I am meeting that demand by educating those people(you)! When you've identified a niche and it's problems, and you think that you can solve those problems. Then it's time to start putting the pieces together and get your blog off of the ground, you'll need a good wordpress theme and the willingness to actively learn about blog promotion, and content creation. You can find all you need about where to get your wordpress themes and install them in my other posts at Scrapbookmoney.

Producing great content

Okay, so let's talk about the most important part of your blog - the content. When you come to creating content for your blog, identify your niche's problems (as mentioned earlier) and there's your target for your next piece - solve that problem. Don't think about it too much just write and let it flow, if you've picked the right niche then the words should just come naturally. Aim to solve the problem in the plainest and shortest way possible, your readers will love you for it. If your content solves your readers problems then you have great content, and you'll find people coming back for more. Content that solves problems or helps the reader in some way is the key to all successful blogs, readers naturally want to come back for more. As you produce more and more great content you'll establish yourself and readers will trust your every word.  

Build it and they will come... or not

Whilst producing great content is a key component of your blog, that alone will not get you noticed on the world wide web. You have to get your name out there and get yourself noticed in all the right places. Traffic comes hand in hand with great content, but you need to know how to get traffic to your great content or all of your effort and knowledge will go unnoticed. There are many, many ways to get your blog noticed I have covered all of them in my boost your blog trafficsection but i'l list a few quickly:
  • Guest blogging
  • Advertising - The Most Obvious Of The Lot!
  • Social networking - Facebook, Twitter etc.
  • Search engines - The Big One!
  • Take part in forums & online communities

The list could go on, there are numerous ways to do it. Different techniques work for different blogs and different people, trial and error is the only way to find out whats best for you and your blog.  

Have you reached your goal yet?

I believe that it's important to take a step back every once in a while and evaluate if you've met your goals and expectations. Different people have will have different ideas about success, to some, a successful blog is one which generates a lot of traffic and good income and to others a successful blog is one that generates a lot of traffic. Determine if you have met those goals you set at the very beginnings of your blogging venture, and if not, how far off that goal are you? It's important to recalibrate yourself every so often. If you've not hit your targets or your blogs not living up to your expectations don't lose faith, I remember reading a quote once that I have never forgotten;
Success comes to those who actively seek it.

You can't fail. If you actively seek success, you'll eventually hit the jackpot - I guarantee it. Keep trying, keep learning and you'll get there eventually. The way I see it, there are only so many times you can try something before you get it right.

Check out my dedicated money making blog Scrapbookmoney, for more great information on how to make money online!
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