Characteristics of Learning Disabilities
Continued from Learning Disability defined
The following is a list of conceptual deficits often noted in students with a learning disability:
The following is a list of conceptual deficits often noted in students with a learning disability:
- Doesn't make connections in similar learning concepts. E.g., 5+3=8 becomes an unknown when asked what 3+5 equals.
- Has difficulty comparing things or classifying and sorting items according to a specific criteria
- Time concepts present difficulty, before, after, tomorrow, last week etc.
- often doesn't get jokes or ideas in humorous situations
- Creativity and imagination is usually limited
- Often slow to respond
- Difficult time prediciting what may happen next, or answering comprehension type questions
- Comments are often off track
- Difficulty thinking in a logical or sequential manner
- Difficulty with number concepts
- Often requires a great deal of clarification and one to one support
- More on Characteristics of Learning Disabilities