Identifying the Patterns That Are Holding You Back
The saying "how you do one thing, is how you do everything" is not only truth, but it is POWERFUL and a starting point to making big changes in your life.
One of my own personal life lessons is apathy, acting like things don't matter, such as my personal life story, or really paying attention to finances, and putting myself first.
I find myself making excuses and reasons why it's not necessary because it doesn't really matter.
While this is my own lesson and one of my patterns, yours could be vastly different.
What's important is that you begin to recognize what patterns are showing up in your life and how they are really affecting your results.
My coach tells us to "treat everything as if it matters," because truly - it does.
I'll repeat it again "how you do one thing, is how you do everything" this saying has been circling in my mind for a few weeks, but it was drilled into me this past weekend.
I couldn't help but to honestly ask myself, what is that one thing that I do that is showing up everywhere? For me, one of my patters is being a terrific starter.
I am great at generating new ideas, and really getting going on the process, but somewhere down the line I begin to peter out, my interest dwindles, and I become apathetic - telling myself "ah, it doesn't really matter.
" Realizing this was a HUGE AHA for me.
Not only was this pattern showing up repeatedly in my life, it was costing me the results that I want to produce.
So what can I do to change this? What can you do to change your pattern? Well, you've got to change it.
And I mean DRASTICALLY change it.
I got home on Sunday night and said to myself "I've got to finish everything I start, I've got to finish everything that's left undone in my home and business, and I've got to finish STRONG!" I immediately went and cleaned up a few things that I'd been postponing for weeks, and dug out the bag of clothes to give-away to goodwill that I'd buried in my closet, gathered all the other household items I'd cleared out TWO months ago that were still sitting around.
You see, I had done a great job of clearing them out, but I didn't finish the job.
I got bored, abandoned and I didn't finish strong.
So here's the lesson, find your own pattern, really get honest with yourself and repeat "how I do one thing, is how I do everything" - then look for the patterns that block your success and start changing them.
Start changing them today.
No excuses.
You are either getting results, or you are giving excuses.
I am encouraging you to seize the day! We've only got one shot to get this right, go out and do your best, give 100% and MAKE things happen.