How to Get Rid Toe and Leg Cramps
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Vitamin deficiencies are a major source of all muscle cramps not related to neuromuscular disorders, such as Parkinson's disease. Increasing your calcium and potassium intake will greatly reduce the chance of getting cramps. Good sources of calcium are green, leafy vegetables, dairy products, and certain nuts such as almonds and Brazil nuts. You can also take calcium supplements. Root vegetables, some fruits, and meat are a good source of potassium. - 2
By Konstantin Su... on Flickr
Staying hydrated is very important, especially if you are exercising or in hot weather conditions. Ask any football player! We have all seen them fall to the ground, writhing in pain as a host of medical personnel run to their rescue. (Man, what I would have paid to have those guys come help me when I was wrenched from a dead sleep with a Charlie horse!) Easiest way to stay hydrated? Drink water. Eight glasses a day is the golden rule for normal activities with increased intake for exercise and hot weather. - 3
By the coveted on Flickr
Well-fitted footwear is also an effective way to slim the chances of getting cramps. I don't care how cute the shoes are, if they don't fit, don't wear them! Don't squeeze your piggies into tight, pointed-toe heels. Make sure your toes have wiggle room and reduce the amount of time you are in heels. Opt for flats as much as you can stand and save the new 6 inch heels (yes people, they are out there and the new trend in fashion) for special occasions. - 4). Stretching and exercising are also good ways to prevent cramps. Calf stretching, flexing your feet, and standing on your tip toes are some good examples.
- 5). Okay, I have told you some ways to prevent them but what do you do when you have one already? Here ya go! These are the best solutions I have found.
Toe cramps- Get up and stand on your tip toes. You may have to do it several times but it should pass soon.
Leg Cramps - You see the trainers lift the leg above a football players heart and massage the area, but I haven't found that it worked for me ( no trainers remember!). The best solution I have found is to stand up and force my foot flat on the floor and then walk it off.