A Great Idea For A Blog Is No Longer Enough!
There are so many blogs or web-logs strewn across the internet these days, it can be extremely difficult to distinguish your blog from all the others.
When you are starting your blog, your ideas are key, you need to put your own unique stamp on your web-log.
A run of the mill blog these days will just not cut it, you need to stand out from the crowd.
When you are researching your niche, try to look for a different angle.
One that other Bloggers aren't using.
This could be the use of video as your blogging platform, or using audio as well as text.
Lets look at the weight loss niche for example.
If your site contained some cool how-to videos on exercise, some audio interviews with some industry experts plus cool images, would your blog stand out from the normal text based sites.
Yes it sure would.
If you can find a unique way to capture your audience and build a community, your visitors will keep coming back for more, time after time.
This is just the beginning, once you establish yourself the work is just starting, but finding your place in the Blogosphere is a great place to start.
Discovering your niche can be challenging, there are so many different ways in which you can create your online presence.
Here are some examples of what to blog about.
Branding Yourself: Branding you as a person is already a unique way of creating your online space.
There is only one you, so creating great content should not be to challenging.
The way you portray yourself could captivate your readers.
Think outside the box a little, you will come up with some killer content.
Sports Blogs: Creating a website about a sport is an excellent way to get noticed.
Lets take soccer for an example.
Your site can give the results from certain games, with your unique take on the game.
You could also broadcast the times, dates and what Television channel the match will be shown on.
No more thinking up content, it's there for the taking.
Travel Blogging: Your off on your travels, taken a year out from college/university and you want to stay in touch with your friends and family.
A blog can give you all this.
You can post your images, your video, write articles about your experiences.
Hand out your Url to all the people you meet along the way, hey you could even put some advertising on your blog and earn as you travel.
How cool is that.
So finding your niche, and your unique way to get your message out into the Blog-o-sphere really doesn't have to be that challenging.
Think outside the box a little.
Research, look at other peoples blogs for ideas, don't steal them, but use them to your advantage.
Top Tip: Do a Google search for other sites in your niche.
Go and explore them, see how others are getting their message out.
Look for ideas of how you could put your own take on it, find your own angle.
Remember first impressions are your key to success.
Get it right and you will have a very loyal readership that keeps coming back for more,and a very successful web-log.
When you are starting your blog, your ideas are key, you need to put your own unique stamp on your web-log.
A run of the mill blog these days will just not cut it, you need to stand out from the crowd.
When you are researching your niche, try to look for a different angle.
One that other Bloggers aren't using.
This could be the use of video as your blogging platform, or using audio as well as text.
Lets look at the weight loss niche for example.
If your site contained some cool how-to videos on exercise, some audio interviews with some industry experts plus cool images, would your blog stand out from the normal text based sites.
Yes it sure would.
If you can find a unique way to capture your audience and build a community, your visitors will keep coming back for more, time after time.
This is just the beginning, once you establish yourself the work is just starting, but finding your place in the Blogosphere is a great place to start.
Discovering your niche can be challenging, there are so many different ways in which you can create your online presence.
Here are some examples of what to blog about.
Branding Yourself: Branding you as a person is already a unique way of creating your online space.
There is only one you, so creating great content should not be to challenging.
The way you portray yourself could captivate your readers.
Think outside the box a little, you will come up with some killer content.
Sports Blogs: Creating a website about a sport is an excellent way to get noticed.
Lets take soccer for an example.
Your site can give the results from certain games, with your unique take on the game.
You could also broadcast the times, dates and what Television channel the match will be shown on.
No more thinking up content, it's there for the taking.
Travel Blogging: Your off on your travels, taken a year out from college/university and you want to stay in touch with your friends and family.
A blog can give you all this.
You can post your images, your video, write articles about your experiences.
Hand out your Url to all the people you meet along the way, hey you could even put some advertising on your blog and earn as you travel.
How cool is that.
So finding your niche, and your unique way to get your message out into the Blog-o-sphere really doesn't have to be that challenging.
Think outside the box a little.
Research, look at other peoples blogs for ideas, don't steal them, but use them to your advantage.
Top Tip: Do a Google search for other sites in your niche.
Go and explore them, see how others are getting their message out.
Look for ideas of how you could put your own take on it, find your own angle.
Remember first impressions are your key to success.
Get it right and you will have a very loyal readership that keeps coming back for more,and a very successful web-log.