"Free Advice on Getting My Ex Back" - What is the Best Way to Get Your Ex Back on Your Own
Here are three simple rules you need to follow to win back the love of your life.
First, you need to stay away from him or her.
Now, you may think this sounds outrageous.
But it actually works in the majority of cases.
You see, people want to get their ex back right away.
So they generally make the mistake of breaking down the door to see their ex again.
They beg, they plead, they stalk.
And in the end, they drive their ex even further away.
By keeping your distance, you avoid this problem.
You also move your ex from disliking you to the stage of missing you.
And once he or she is there, the magic can happen.
So the next thing you need to do is use the time apart wisely.
Make yourself especially attractive to your ex.
Make sure you look good.
But more than that, work on your personality.
Some people drive away their ex with their behavior.
If this was you, make sure you figure out what drove your ex away, and fix that problem.
Finally, you will be ready for the meeting.
One super powerful tactic is to show up unexpectedly in a public place.
(It does not work so well if you show up at his house!) If you look good and act well, chances are your ex will be calling you to get back together.