Down Duvet Washing Instructions
- 1). Turn your washing machine dial to the gentle cycle with a cool water temperature and let the washer drum begin to fill with water. Add 1/4 cup of a gentle laundry detergent to the water. If your washing machine has a detergent receptacle, add the detergent into it.
- 2). Submerge the down duvet into the washing machine. Shut the washer door and let it complete a full cycle. Examine the duvet for detergent residue. You may have to run the duvet through another rinse cycle to remove any remaining detergent residue.
- 3). Begin squeezing -- do not twist -- one end of the duvet while working your way downward. Washing machine spin cycles do not always remove all the excess water from the duvet.
- 4). Place the down duvet in the dryer and dry on low heat or tumble dry for several hours. Down duvets may take up to 12 hours to dry completely. After a few hours of drying, remove the duvet and shake it to distribute the down. Place the duvet back in the dryer and continue drying.