Universities & Colleges near Denton, TX
- Denton, Texas offers both four-year and two-year college options.flag image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.com
Students in or near Denton, Texas have three higher education options from which to choose. Students who want a big college atmosphere and experience can attend the University of North Texas, the flagship university of the University of North Texas system. Students seeking a slightly smaller college experience can choose to attend Texas Woman’s University, while students interested in two-year degrees, transfer opportunities and/or continuing education can take courses at North Central Texas College. - As the flagship university of the four-campus University of North Texas system, the University of North Texas at Denton has 12 colleges and schools providing students with a choice of 97 bachelor’s degrees, 101 master’s degrees and 48 doctoral degrees. The university is home to several “firsts,” including the first jazz studies program in the nation, the first bachelor’s degree in electronic merchandising and the first online school library preparation program.
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #311277
Denton, TX 76203
unt.edu - Although the school has admitted men since 1972, Texas Woman’s University remains the largest university devoted primarily to women’s education. Texas Woman’s University enrolls over 13,000 students on its main campus in Denton as well as campuses in Dallas and Houston. The university produces the state’s largest number of nurses and health care professionals and ranks in the top 20 in the United States for schools with the most diverse student populations.
Texas Woman’s University
304 Administration Drive
P.O. Box 425589
Denton, TX 76204
twu.edu - With campuses in Gainesville, Corinth and Bowie and Graham, North Central Texas College serves students in Denton County as well as Cooke and Montague Counties. North Central is the oldest two-year college in Texas and offers a transfer curriculum for students interested in attending a four-year college or university as well as continuing education opportunities and technical programs in health sciences or advanced and applied technologies.
North Central Texas College-Gainesville
1525 W. California Street
Gainesville, TX 76240
North Central Texas College-Corinth
1500 N. Corinth Street
Corinth, TX 76208-5408
North Central Texas College-Bowie
810 S. Mill Street
Bowie, TX 76230
North Central Texas College-Graham
928 Cherry Street
Graham, TX 76450
University of North Texas
Texas Woman’s University
North Central Texas College