How to Handle Criticism - Tips for Taking Criticism Constructively
No one enjoys criticism.
That's reality.
Paradoxically, you need criticism to improve yourself and your career.
Criticism greatly affects the performance of individuals.
If accepted, it can motivate a person to do better, but if misunderstood, it can destroy self-confidence.
Who criticizes us? They come in many forms and their criticism is delivered in a variety of ways.
Bosses are notorious critics.
But they can also be from your colleagues, friends or family members.
Deal with criticism in a mature manner as this is more effective than getting involved in a never-ending cycle of offensive and defensive reactions.
It is also imperative to identify the forms of criticism as it is crucial to situations where it can 'make or break' your career.
Destructive Criticism versus Constructive Criticism How will we know the ulterior motive of our critics? Let us first focus on destructive criticism.
Destructive criticism does not, in any way, aim to help a person.
More accurately, it is given to debase and hurt others.
The critic will manipulate your emotions to serve their own purpose.
As you may now conclude, destructive criticism concentrates on fault-finding and self-serving tactics rather than improving circumstances.
Constructive criticism on the other hand, is purposely given to improve someone produce better results that align to certain standards.
In a working environment, constructive criticism is meant to do the following: • Boost job productivity and provide positive feedback • Facilitate in the improvement of personal and professional growth • Decrease stress and minimize employee friction • Help build up strong interpersonal relationships • Establish an ideal healthy working environment Results of Listening to destructive criticism When you are criticized, your initial reaction would be to respond defensively and make excuses for yourself.
You feel incapable, belittled and useless.
So remember this: Listening to destructive critics will break you but listening to constructive critics propels you forward.
As a final point, never ever trust a person who criticizes you behind your back.
Benefits of accepting constructive criticism Once you identify the purpose of the criticism, change is inevitable.
Apply that to how you think, feel and behave.
Have an open mind and be receptive to change.
This will enhance your self-concept and relationships.
The next time you are criticized, try to look beyond the gentle reproach or harsh reprimand and analyze the motive.
One day you will be grateful and look back to it and say 'It was part of the learning process and because of it; I am who I am today'.
"Criticism is a misconception: we must read not to understand others but to understand ourselves.
" -Emile M.
That's reality.
Paradoxically, you need criticism to improve yourself and your career.
Criticism greatly affects the performance of individuals.
If accepted, it can motivate a person to do better, but if misunderstood, it can destroy self-confidence.
Who criticizes us? They come in many forms and their criticism is delivered in a variety of ways.
Bosses are notorious critics.
But they can also be from your colleagues, friends or family members.
Deal with criticism in a mature manner as this is more effective than getting involved in a never-ending cycle of offensive and defensive reactions.
It is also imperative to identify the forms of criticism as it is crucial to situations where it can 'make or break' your career.
Destructive Criticism versus Constructive Criticism How will we know the ulterior motive of our critics? Let us first focus on destructive criticism.
Destructive criticism does not, in any way, aim to help a person.
More accurately, it is given to debase and hurt others.
The critic will manipulate your emotions to serve their own purpose.
As you may now conclude, destructive criticism concentrates on fault-finding and self-serving tactics rather than improving circumstances.
Constructive criticism on the other hand, is purposely given to improve someone produce better results that align to certain standards.
In a working environment, constructive criticism is meant to do the following: • Boost job productivity and provide positive feedback • Facilitate in the improvement of personal and professional growth • Decrease stress and minimize employee friction • Help build up strong interpersonal relationships • Establish an ideal healthy working environment Results of Listening to destructive criticism When you are criticized, your initial reaction would be to respond defensively and make excuses for yourself.
You feel incapable, belittled and useless.
So remember this: Listening to destructive critics will break you but listening to constructive critics propels you forward.
As a final point, never ever trust a person who criticizes you behind your back.
Benefits of accepting constructive criticism Once you identify the purpose of the criticism, change is inevitable.
Apply that to how you think, feel and behave.
Have an open mind and be receptive to change.
This will enhance your self-concept and relationships.
The next time you are criticized, try to look beyond the gentle reproach or harsh reprimand and analyze the motive.
One day you will be grateful and look back to it and say 'It was part of the learning process and because of it; I am who I am today'.
"Criticism is a misconception: we must read not to understand others but to understand ourselves.
" -Emile M.