Types of Meditation and Their Differences
Today, it is common to see teachers, singers, priests, moms, dads, grandparents, teenagers, and even children practicing the art.
It has become a healing technique that not only is used to gain a closer walk to God spiritually, but has become a mental and physical practice too.
What is It? Meditation is a practice used to clear the mind using controlled breathing, a guided coach, meditation music, or even through different body positions.
It is used to regulate the mind which in turn allows the body to regulate itself.
Meditation allows a peaceful, restful, sense of serenity to come to the body.
Many people also turn to meditation to help in healing the body of certain conditions.
Different Techniques
- Passive - is a type of mediation that allows the mind to unwind and un-focus often resulting in daydreaming or sleep.
- Active - is used to help the body be in a meditative state at all times throughout the day.
The peacefulness brought about by active mediation helps the person bring peace into daily situations. - Religious - used to help bring one closer to God.
A more precise name for religious meditation is 'thinking'.
Often, this type of meditation comes with CDs with a guided coach who takes the mind down a serene path enabling it to focus on God's Word and the message it holds for daily life. - Yoga - has many, many different ways of meditating including: Himalayan, Modern, Traditional, and about 190 more Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Yoga meditation is used to channel, master, quiet, still, and coordinate the body and mind. - Receptive - is used to help one be receptive to daily situations.
One example of receptive meditation is Zen. - Focused on Concentration - is used to totally focus one's attention on a single object whether it be breathing, a candle flame, or some other object.
- Generative - helps one gain a sense of love and kindness using imagination and memories.
- Reflective - meditators focus on a single object while staying open to the emotions they feel during the exercise.
When choosing the type you would like to explore, remember to set aside several minutes a couple times a day to help reap the best benefits.
Today The more meditation is considered today, the more people realize it is not the same as it was hundreds of years ago.
It has grown and evolved into something that anyone can use in their daily life to help to center their mind and, if desired, have a closer walk spiritually with God.
Using mediation to have a less stressful life can be beneficial for all ages in today's world.
Lifestyles are hectic and even the youngest child feels the stress of today.
While each different type of meditation has its own unique aspects to get you into a centered frame of mind, they all have the same purpose of clearing your mind and setting your body on a healthful relaxed track.
Choosing which method is only a matter of what you expect to accomplish mixed with the best techniques for your lifestyle.
Which one will you choose?