Types of Gauze Bandages
- Assorted sizes of gauze pads and rolls are practical additions for your first aid kit.gauze image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.com
Gauze bandages are very versatile and practical for many medical and nonmedical purposes. They come in many different sizes and types. Most gauze bandages keep dirt and other debris out of the wound and allow air to circulate, speeding healing. Whatever your situation, there is probably a gauze bandage to meet your specific needs. - Sterile gauze pads come individually packaged to prevent contamination. Cotton sterile gauze pads come in various plies, meaning the number of layers of gauze in the pad. Size also varies, beginning with small 2-inch square pads up to 8-inch by 10-inch pads.
Layered, super absorbent pads may include sterile cotton inside the gauze to wick away wound drainage or cover healing surgical wounds.
Health care providers recommend sterile gauze pads for open wounds, serious burns, abrasions, and to cover surgical incisions. Wounds that must remain open for drainage will also benefit from sterile gauze pads. - Non-sterile pads work well for supporting bruises, bunions, corns and closed wounds. They may provide cushion or coverage. Non-sterile pads come in boxes and multi-packs. Sizes are similar to those found in sterile pads.
- Health care providers may use rolls of non-sterile gauze to wrap sprains, sore muscles and large skin areas. Rolls of sterile gauze may wrap second- and third-degree burns that cover large areas. Sterile gauze rolls may also cover sterile dressings and other large bandages to hold the sterile pad in place and provide several extra layers of coverage.
Sizes for gauze rolls vary from 2 inches to 6 inches wide. - Stretch gauze includes elastic fibers to make the gauze more comfortable and conforming for wrapping wounds and large body parts. Some stretch gauze is disposable and meant only for single use. Other stretch gauze is washable and reusable. The stretch gauze may come in a roll of single ply warp or in a tube roll known as stockinette. Stockinette may be used inside a plaster cast to keep the plaster from adhering to the skin. Some stretch gauze bandages come in reusable forms.
Stretch gauze comes in a variety of widths and lengths. - Plaster gauze bandages are gauze strip bandages with gypsum plaster embedded in the fibers. The user can cut the roll into strips, get it wet, and mold it in place to create a solid plaster surface. Doctors may use it to create plaster casts for broken bones. Crafters may use it to create a variety of shaped crafts, including belly and body art castings.
Sterile Pads
Non-Sterile Pads
Gauze Roll Bandages
Stretch Gauze Bandages
Plaster Gauze Bandages