What Is a Rust Fungus?
- Rust requires a host plant to grow, and since the rust draws its nourishment from the plant, it is considered a parasite. Most often spores of the rust land on the host species, where they find favorable growing conditions and cover the plant with brightly colored areas of infection.
- Worldwide there are between 6,000 and 7,000 species of rust. Sometimes a species of rust is identified by the type of plant it infects and the appearance of the outbreak, but a microscopic examination is always needed to be sure.
- Rust reproduces by tiny microscopic spores. A healthy, mature outbreak of rust produces millions of spores, which become airborne and sometimes find a favorable micro-climate, where they can take root and grow.
- Although the method of reproduction is different, rust has similar growth patterns to that of bacteria and other living, microscopic organisms. Fungal rust is not visible to the naked eye unless a large number of the identical type of organism infects the same area at the same time.
- LSD was synthesized from the rye ergot, a type of rust that infects seed crop. When digested with the grain, this rust can cause severe physical trauma including strong visual sensations and hallucinations. Death is possible if a large amount of potent material is ingested.
Rust Is a Parasite
Many Varieties
Spore Reproduction
Microscopic Organism
LSD Comes from a Rust