Content Is King, Redefining Website Content
What does that exactly mean? Content is basically information found on your website's pages.
This can include documents, data, applications, e-services, images, audio and video files, personal web pages, archive e-mail messages and so on.
In the phrase "content is king, should also be interpreted to mean that the contents on your website should be original while at the same time, informative and applicable to the niche that you're targeting.
Google often redefines content from time to time.
On May 2007, universal search was defined to include videos, images, news, maps, and books.
By December of 2009 real time search was made to include blog posts and live updates on sites like Twitter and FriendFeed.
Early this year, Google unleashes another major algorithmic improvement which is the Panda/Farmer update that was designed to decrease rankings of low quality sites.
This latest update impacted 11.
8% of their search queries.
All of these updates prove one thing: that content really matters.
So how much content do you need for your website? How good does it need to be? These are really great questions that you should consider especially when you are on the first stages of creating your website.
A lot of internet gurus out there will typically tell you that you will need at least ten percent more content than your competitor.
However, I beg to disagree.
Presently, there are a lot of websites with less content that are ranking higher because of the context and the amount of people linking to it.
If you are just putting content on your website for the sake of having content, chances are, you are going to fail! You need to have content that will give your visitors a reason to share it with their friends on Facebook, to tweet about in on Twitter, and give them a reason to come back for more.
To have great content you should learn how to be creative.
You need content that will rock your website.
That said, you need to create content that will spark interest to with your audience.
Create posts that are interesting.
Think of relevant topics that are niche driven.
In other words, think like a publisher!