Seven Steps to Achieving Success in Business

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Achieving success in business has to do with disciplining your behavior in such a way that it becomes habit and your way of life.
At first, it seems like discipline, but just as exercise is to the athlete, after you do it for long enough, you don't want to function any other way.
Personal Commitments to follow for Achieving Success in Business...
1) "I always act from personal power".
What is personal power? It's the belief that you can't fail.
People who believe that failure is not an option have learned how to achieve success in business.
When you think about it, you really can't fail.
All you ever do when you try is generate an outcome.
There will always be an outcome.
If it doesn't happen to be the outcome you want, you simply learn from it and tweak it a bit until it gets closer to your outcome.
Colonel Sanders tried 1009 times to market his chicken recipe before he got his first "yes".
So persistence and belief in you equals personal power.
2) "I create my own reality".
Everyone who has learned how to achieve success in business tends to take responsibility for his own actions.
You wouldn't hear Einstein complaining about how he'd been treated as a child, or Wayne Dyer who grew up as an orphan and later became a great business success with his personal development books.
And as Wayne says, "you get what you think about, whether you want it or not".
This is the reason why the power of gratitude is so powerful in achieving success in business.
3) "I'm always stretching further than my comfort zone".
Most of us find it all too easy to stay in their comfort zone, even though the comfort zone is really a trap to keep you from attaining freedom.
This is true with all animals, even humans, unless we're aware of how it's limiting us in the long run.
Take the elephant, for example...
He's chained with a simple one chain around his leg that he can't escape from when he's little.
Then, as he grows, all he needs to keep him from running off and terrorizing the town is that one little chain around his foot - even though, in reality, he has plenty of power to break through! We also have the tendency to just "stay where it's safe" because we're afraid of the unknown.
But in many cases, it's the unknown that will set us free.
Once you've mastered steps 1-3, you're on your way to Achieving Success in Business...
4) "I will commit to unconscious competence rather than cognitive understanding.
" This is something that just comes naturally after you've made steps 1-3 a habit.
It means that when you change your belief system about yourself, the rest will follow to the extent that making the right choices just comes as second nature.
Just as an example of changing your beliefs to change your behavior, I remember when I was getting one traffic ticket after the next for running stop signs.
Just before I got enough tickets to have my license suspended, I changed my habits by coming to complete stop at every stop sign, which at the time seemed like such a waste of time and was driving me crazy! Within a few months, I stopped automatically without thinking about it.
People who are constantly achieving success in business actually don't even think cognitively about it anymore, that's just the way their brain has developed to be wired.
5) "I always act from personal integrity.
" This means to be true to you.
If you're writing blog posts, don't write about stuff you don't believe in.
If you're selling something, don't try to sell stuff you wouldn't use yourself if your life depended on it.
People will see right through that BS and this will keep you from achieving success in business! 6) "I judge my ability of communication based on the results I get.
" We all are different and different people react differently to how you choose to deliver your message.
For example, if someone is offended at what you say, then don't just blame them for "not getting it".
Change the way you deliver your message until they get it.
Achieving success in business has to do with results! And, the most important personal discipline for achieving success in business...
7) "I am committed to do whatever it takes.
" Don't be afraid of stretching past your comfort zone.
Remember that fear is what holds everyone back from trying something that could just be the answer they're looking for in that journey for achieving success in business.
There is truly no such thing as fear, only "fearful thoughts".
So take the leap of faith you need and do whatever it takes to find achieve success in business.
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