Braiding Yarn Key Chains
- Thread two 3-foot strands of different colored yarn onto your lanyard or key ring halfway down; this creates four strands by folding the two yarn strands in half. Thinner yarn is more suited for this project. Pull each end of the yarn strands at the same time so all four strands hang down evenly. Hold the far left strand and bring it under the two center strands and over the far right strand. Repeat this braiding process, using all of the yarn. Tie a regular overhand knot at the end to secure.
- Thread two 3-foot strands of different colored yarn onto your lanyard or key ring halfway down; this creates four strands by folding in half the two yarn strands. Pull each end of the yarn strands at the same time so all four strands hang down evenly. In this craft, you are making colored stripes. Hold onto the far right strand. Wrap it around the strand to the left and tie a knot. Use the same strand and tie a knot to the next strand to the left. Tie another knot with that strand and then tie a knot with the far left strand. Continue this braiding process by knotting the new far right yarn strand with those to the left. Tie a regular knot at the end to secure.
- Cut three strands of colored yarn that are roughly 12 inches long. Tie each on onto the lanyard or key ring with a double knot. Braid a traditional braid with three strands. Bring the left strand over the center strand. Then take the right strand over the center strand. Braid about 2 inches and thread a bead onto the center strand. Bring the left yarn strand over the center strand and then bring the right strand over the center. Thread another bead and then braid some more of the yarn. Add as many beads as you want and tie a knot at the end to finish the key chain.
- Form thicker braids for another braided key chain craft. Cut three 3-foot strands of different colors of yarn. Thread the three 3-foot long pieces of yarn through your lanyard or key ring. Place the lanyard or key ring under the clip of a clipboard. Pull the yarn evenly to form six strands. Twist two strands of the same color together down the entire length of the strands. Tape these two strands at the bottom onto the clipboard to keep the twists in place. Twist the other sets of colored strands and tape them down. Braid the three twisted yarn strands and tie a knot at the end to complete.
Diamond Braiding
Thick Braids