How to Uninstall NoAdware
- 1). Stop the NoAdware background processes prior to deleting the program's other files. Press "Ctrl," "Alt" and "Delete" on the keyboard simultaneously to open the Windows Task Manager utility.
- 2). Click on the tab labeled "Processes" and locate the "NoAdware5.exe" file name in the list. Select the file name and click on the "End Process" button to kill the NoAdware process.
- 3). Delete the files and folders associated with the NoAdware program. Use the built-in Windows Search Tool to locate and remove the files. Click on "Start" and choose "Search." Click "All Files and Folders" to open the Search window.
- 4). Type the name of the NoAdware file into the text box and click "Local Hard Drives." Click on the "Search" button to find the files. Right-click on the file that the Search tool identifies and choose the "Delete" option to send the file to the recycling bin. Make sure to delete every file associated with NoAdware.
The NoAdware files to be deleted are:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\NoAdware5\NoAdware5 .lnk
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\NoAdware5\Uninstall NoAdware .lnk
%ProgramFiles%\NoAdware\UninstlDll.dll - 5). Remove the Registry entries for the NoAdware to complete the uninstall. To access the Registry Editor utility, click on "Start" and type "regedit" into the search box. Click on the "Registry Editor" option that appears. For XP users, enter the command in the "Run" search box.
- 6). Click on the "Edit" option from the menu bar and click on "Find" in the drop-down menu. Enter the name of the registry entry into the search box and click "Find" to locate the entry. Right-click on the entry and choose the "Delete" option. Make sure to delete both registry entries associated with NoAdware.
The registry entries associated with NoAdware are:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NoAdware 5.0_is1 - 7). Return to the desktop and right-click on the "Recycling Bin." Click "Empty" to remove all the files and folders from the NoAdware program from your computer.