Remedy For a Broken Heart
A remedy like that may not exist, but that doesn't mean you're powerless to change things.
There are steps you can take that will make you feel better now and speed up the healing process.
You just need a little guidance to get you there.
After a breakup, you're suddenly thrown into a world of unknowns.
This loss of control can cause you to panic and spiral into a state of depression.
The first thing you must do is get these panicky feelings under control.
Getting out of panic mode starts with accepting your feelings.
When you fight these feelings, it only magnifies them and makes you feel worse.
Acceptance of your feelings doesn't mean you've given up, it just means that you're no longer resisting what's how you feel at this moment.
When you stop resisting, a strange thing happens...
you start to feel peace.
A lot has been written on this subject.
I suggest looking into The Sedona Method, also known as the Release Technique.
Do a quick internet search and you'll find a lot of free information on this powerful method.
I've practiced "releasing" for years and it's a very effective way of feeling better immediately.
Once you've calmed down and starting to think clearly again, it's time to decide what your next step is.
Is this a relationship you'd like to save? If so, then it's important to come up with a plan.
People plan for most things that are important in life, but when it comes to saving a relationship, almost everyone rushes in blindly.
This is a mistake.
Rushing in without a plan almost always results in pushing your ex away.
Why? Because you end up trying too hard.
Trying too hard comes across as needy and desperate...
and this will kill any chance you have of a successful reunion.
If you want a truly effective remedy for a broken heart, try the methods mentioned earlier.
If you want to get back together with your ex, then come up with a solid plan and don't resort to desperate behavior that will only make your situation worse.