How to Convert a Dicom to JPEG
- 1). Locate the DICOM image on your computer and double-click it. This will open in your DICOM image viewer. Maximize the image, then press "Print Screen" on your keyboard.
- 2). Click "Start," type "paint" into the quick search and then click the "Paint" application link.
- 3). Press "Ctrl"+"V" to paste the image from the print screen clipboard. Click the "Select" tool, then highlight the image within the screen shot. Press "Ctrl"+"C" to copy this selection, click "File," then "New" and press "Ctrl"+"V" again to paste just the DICOM image.
- 4). Click "File," then "Save As." Click the "File type" drop-down menu and select "JPEG."
- 5). Enter a name for your newly converted image and click "Save."