Can the Pixels on an LCD TV Be Replaced?
- Rubbing the missing pixel on the screen can jolt it back to life. Put a damp cloth on the TV and turn it off. Take a small blunt edge, including a rounded pen cap or eraser, and massage the screen over the cloth for 30 seconds to one minute. Remove the cloth and object, and turn on the TV. Take note not to massage too hard or you could further damage the screen.
- Similar to rubbing, tapping the pixel can also force it to work. Lay the damp cloth over the screen and turn the TV off. Take a rounded pen cap or eraser and gently tap the screen 30 times. Remove the cloth and turn on the TV. If the pixel resists the tapping, replace the cloth, turn it off and tap another 30 times. Make sure not to tap too hard, however, or you can force nearby pixels to get stuck.
- Forcing pressure on the pixel can also help it readjust and work. Turn off the television and place the damp cloth on the screen. Take an eraser and gently press it against the screen over the cloth for about one minute. Then take the cloth off and turn the TV back on. If it is still not working, you can try again several more times. Take care not to press too hard, however, or you could permanently damage the pixel.
- Playing bright flashing colors on the screen is the safest and easiest way to fix pixels on an LCD screen. You can purchase a pixel-fixing DVD, which just plays loops of bright flashing colors, or you can burn your own DVD using a movie-making or pixel-fixing software. Insert the disc in the DVD player and allow it to play for one hour. The constant change of colors will force the pixels to eventually conform. When time is up, the pixels will be working again, and there is no potential damage to your screen.
Rub Pixel
Tap Pixel
Bright Colors