Checklist: What To Bring To College
Bring A Computer And Printer If You Can At college, the expectation will be that you have your own computer and printer.
If you can afford to bring both of these things, you should.
Teachers think nothing of asking you for typed homework, and they do so frequently.
By having your own printer, you'll save yourself the hassle of walking to a computer lab and paying to have your work printed out.
Reference Materials You may well find on the Required Materials section of several of your courses that professors want you to have a collegiate dictionary.
Let me answer the question my students often ask me: No, dictionary.
com is not okay.
In addition to a dictionary, you might want to invest in a thesaurus.
Beyond these two items, use your judgment.
Think about what classes you'll be taking.
Are there any books you used in high school that you think would be handy to refer to? If so, you should pack them as well.
Entertainment Center Some people like to get in touch with their roommate before the start of school and decide who will bring a TV and who will bring a stereo, etc.
If you can live without a TV in your room, though, you'll probably be more productive without the distraction.
Seasonal Dress Do some research into what the climate will be like during the months of the semester you're packing for.
If you're from Los Angeles and attending NYU, you will need more warm clothes than you thought you'd ever need, for example.
That Wire Thing For Your Toiletries and Flip Flops The only place you'll ever use it is while you're away at school, but go buy one of those wire baskets so that you can efficiently transport your shampoo, soap, and razor to and from the shower.
Some people also invest in flip flops for shower shoes.
A Touch of Home Bring something with you, or a few things, that will remind you of home.
Maybe this is the time to invest in a nice frame for that photo of you and your best friend that's been on the fridge for all of high school.
If you know you can't sleep without your teddy bear, make sure there's room for him in your luggage, too.
Any Medicines You Might Need If you take prescription drugs, you might want to save yourself the hassle of finding out where to refill them by bringing a supply with you for the semester.
And, if you take over the counter medicines like Claritin or Advil, you might want to stock up on those, too.
If you can afford to bring both of these things, you should.
Teachers think nothing of asking you for typed homework, and they do so frequently.
By having your own printer, you'll save yourself the hassle of walking to a computer lab and paying to have your work printed out.
Reference Materials You may well find on the Required Materials section of several of your courses that professors want you to have a collegiate dictionary.
Let me answer the question my students often ask me: No, dictionary.
com is not okay.
In addition to a dictionary, you might want to invest in a thesaurus.
Beyond these two items, use your judgment.
Think about what classes you'll be taking.
Are there any books you used in high school that you think would be handy to refer to? If so, you should pack them as well.
Entertainment Center Some people like to get in touch with their roommate before the start of school and decide who will bring a TV and who will bring a stereo, etc.
If you can live without a TV in your room, though, you'll probably be more productive without the distraction.
Seasonal Dress Do some research into what the climate will be like during the months of the semester you're packing for.
If you're from Los Angeles and attending NYU, you will need more warm clothes than you thought you'd ever need, for example.
That Wire Thing For Your Toiletries and Flip Flops The only place you'll ever use it is while you're away at school, but go buy one of those wire baskets so that you can efficiently transport your shampoo, soap, and razor to and from the shower.
Some people also invest in flip flops for shower shoes.
A Touch of Home Bring something with you, or a few things, that will remind you of home.
Maybe this is the time to invest in a nice frame for that photo of you and your best friend that's been on the fridge for all of high school.
If you know you can't sleep without your teddy bear, make sure there's room for him in your luggage, too.
Any Medicines You Might Need If you take prescription drugs, you might want to save yourself the hassle of finding out where to refill them by bringing a supply with you for the semester.
And, if you take over the counter medicines like Claritin or Advil, you might want to stock up on those, too.