What Is Pampas Grass?
- In one season, pampas grass can grow from a plant that fits in a gallon-size container to one that's 8 feet tall. Although the average pampas grass reaches maximum growth at 8 to 10 feet, some established plants can become 20 feet tall with a 13-foot spread. Its foliage is grassy looking, with 36-inch long blades that have serrated edges. Long stalks shoot up from the clumps of leaves, each holding whitish (sometimes pink) flower plumes that rise up to 3 feet above their stems.
- A pampas grass plant has either all male or all female flowers. On female plants, silky hairs cover the flowers, making them look full and broad. On the contrary, male flowers do not have hairs and are narrow and less showy. Because plants don't bear flowers of both genders, it's easier to propagate them by digging out the clumps they form and burying the roots elsewhere. While they self-propagate through seeds, the new plant doesn't become a true replica of the mother plant.
- Despite its invasive nature, pampas grass has some utility. Besides being an attractive background border to shorter plants or a lawn, this grass is able to stabilize erodible banks, according to the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. To use it as an ornamental grass, plant it in groups of three to five. But to prevent erosion, cover the length of the bank you'd like to protect.
- Pampas grass, like most warm-season ornamental grasses, is resilient and thrives in topsoil that hasn't received any nutritional amendments. Its most important needs are for ground that drains well and full sun. Nurseries usually sell this type of grass in containers around spring time, which is the ideal time for you to plant it. Their roots will need space, so put them in a planting hole that's twice their width. Also, unbound (if necessary) and spread out the roots. For depth, be sure the point where roots and stem meet is level with the surface. In addition, while established pampas grass tolerates dry conditions, it needs regular moisture following transplantation until it shows new continuous growth.
- Cultivar is short for "cultivated variety," according to "Sunset Western Garden Book." The term refers to genetically distinct plants that belong to the same family. They might be man-made hybrids or variations that occur in the wild. Clemson University Extension lists three pampas grass cultivars, all shorter than the original plant: 'Gold Band' grows to 4 feet, producing few flowers and leaves with gold rims; 'Pumila', the hardiest of the varieties, has narrow blue-green leaves and tan flowering plumes on a 4-foot plant; and 'Silver Comet' has leaves with white edges and reaches a height of 3 to 4 feet.
Growing Requirements