Christian Living - Something Special
My grandmother would put a little of her coffee in a saucer, mix it with more milk and sugar than she used, and allow me to sip from the saucer.
That simple pleasure is an illustration of one of the thousands and thousands of ways my grandmother would show her unending love for her only grandchild.
However, this story is really not about my grandmother.
No, this story is about doing something special for yourself.
Although, my love of coffee was clearly formed in the center of Granny's lap, I want to talk about the day I did something special for myself.
Almost a year ago I found myself in the coffee aisle of our local supermarket.
I have always liked the smell of fresh ground coffee beans that would flow from that aisle.
But I did not like the idea of grinding my own beans in the store only to let them set on the cabinet at home to wait for the trip to the coffee maker.
On this historic day I decided to take the plunge.
Even though my money was tight, I splurged the $6.
00 for a home coffee grinder.
You need to understand that seldom will I take the time to treat myself even to the small pleasures of life.
It seems as if I'm always too busy or somebody needs me or there's a deadline for an article or I don't have the extra money.
There is always a reason, in my mind at least.
This little white coffee grinder was the exception to the rule.
Since no one else in my household drinks coffee, it was something uniquely for me.
Over the last year I have shared my most intimate moments with my coffee grinder.
We have been together during morning rushes and evening crushes.
We have experienced sickness and health, joy and sorrow, hospitality and loneliness.
Yes, my coffee maker and I seem to work well together.
How is it that I can turn so easily to an inanimate object for comfort? I do not have an answer for that question.
My experience with this little device has really pointed out some issues that I am quite sure of.
The simple joy of fresh coffee has reinforced some eternal truths that sometimes escape us as we hurry through life.
This simple device has reminded of some things that I do know.
For instance, I do know that God wants to do something special in my life.
I do know that God wants to take the place of that inanimate coffee maker and give me the comfort that I need and desire.
I do know that God wants to be the something special of my life.
Unlike Jesus, who said he would never leave me nor forsake me, I do know the sound coming from my grinder is a forewarning that it will soon break down.
I do know that the comfort brought by the warm coffee and the stimulus of the caffeine it contains can only touch my natural man and will not bring long term joy, peace, or motivation to my soul.
Yes, my little grinder is special but I should never let it in the special place that Jesus died to occupy.
Giving us His comfort is one of the thousands and thousands of ways that he shows His love for His children.
Bishop James I Feel God Brown In Him, JMb