How to Obtain Sponsorship for Studies
- 1). Check with your university study-abroad office. There may already be a sponsorship program in place that you can apply to.
- 2). Identify people and local businesses that may sponsor your studies. Use any connection you have, such as a friend's parent who owns a hardware store or a wealthy relative who may be willing to fund some of your education.
- 3). Write a sponsorship letter. In the sponsorship letter, explain the study-abroad opportunity at length, including how it will benefit your education. Let the potential sponsors know how they can get in touch with you if they're interested.
- 4). Call to follow up on the sponsorship letters after you send them out.
- 5). Use other resources. Study, for example, allows students to apply for possible sponsorships. So does the "Financial Aid for Study Abroad" section of the website.