Relaxation Trick: How To Make Black Tea Keep Only The Relaxing Substances In 30 Seconds.
Brain waves
The brain emits electrical impulses called brain waves. These are usually divided in to four categories: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Beta will be dominating when you are stressed or when theres a need of a very quick decision. When you let go of stress, feel good and are able to really relax, Alpha waves will be dominating. Theta is the state near sleep, and then Delta of course will be the sleep state.
L-Theanine and caffeine
Both black and green tea contains something named L-Theanine. L-Theanine has a relaxing effect by increasing the production of alpha brain waves. L-Theanine can therefore be used to get to a relaxed state without actually doing anything mentally to relax. This can improve sleep, relieve anxiety, help meditators get in deeper meditative states etc. It usually takes 30-40 minutes for the L-Theanine to produce this effect. Black and green tea also both contain caffeine which works against the relaxing effect by increasing the beta brainwaves. Black tea has more caffeine than green tea.
How to remove caffeine while keeping the L-Theanine
The trick is to remove the caffeine and keep the L-Theanine. You can do this with any ordinary black tea. Its very easy!
The caffeine in black tea will be released in to the water in 30-60 seconds. The L-Theanine will start being released after a few minutes. So now you already know how to do it. Step by step instructions are always nice though:
1, Fill the tea cup/mug/glass with hot water and dip the tea for 30-60 seconds.
2, Remove the tea and empty the cup/mug/glass.
3, Fill up with new hot water and use the same tea.
4, Leave the tea in for a several minutes for the L-Theanine to release in to the water, or just keep the tea in the water while drinking it.
How much to drink
To get the real effects from this I recommend that you double or triple the amount of tea you usually have and drink two cups of normal or big size. To triple the amount of tea may sound extreme, but keep in mind that the caffeine and much of the taste is also removed from the 30-60 seconds of dipping the tea. So it will most likely taste like any stronger tea. The L-Theanine in itself doesnt taste anything at all in these quantities. You can also get L-Theanine capsules in most countries now, but last time I checked it was a bit expensive.
Good luck!