Choosing Your Paint
The paint you choose for your project can really determine the outcome of your product.
You will need to consider what it is being used for when making your selection.
It seems that many artist will start off trying different products and then settle on one form that fits them best.
I love paint and try different brands frequently.
If I see something new coming out on the market, I immediately research it and find out where I can buy it.
I love the internet for that very reason.
It is so easy to get online, find the products you are looking for and purchase it right then and there.
You don't even have to leave your home or your chair for that matter! After trying many different types of paints, the one I love the most for most of my projects is the Folkart, Acrylic Enamel Paint.
It is made for glass, however I use it on everything I paint except for fabric.
I do stick to fabric paints for those projects.
I even us it when I do decorative painting on walls! It is very user friendly and holds up well for most projects that I do.
It looks lovely on the walls I have painted and turns glassware from hum drum to WoW! It is a very durable paint and will hold up well for years.
There are many different paints out on the market.
Don't be afraid to try new products.
It may require learning how to work with it before you use it on a good project, but that is okay.
That really is part of the learning process.
If you have questions about a paint and the behaviors of it, I am certain you can find an expert who love to share their wisdom with you.
Believe me, I have done this many times.
I also return the favor and help others who ask me for advice.
Just jump in and have fun! Amy
You will need to consider what it is being used for when making your selection.
It seems that many artist will start off trying different products and then settle on one form that fits them best.
I love paint and try different brands frequently.
If I see something new coming out on the market, I immediately research it and find out where I can buy it.
I love the internet for that very reason.
It is so easy to get online, find the products you are looking for and purchase it right then and there.
You don't even have to leave your home or your chair for that matter! After trying many different types of paints, the one I love the most for most of my projects is the Folkart, Acrylic Enamel Paint.
It is made for glass, however I use it on everything I paint except for fabric.
I do stick to fabric paints for those projects.
I even us it when I do decorative painting on walls! It is very user friendly and holds up well for most projects that I do.
It looks lovely on the walls I have painted and turns glassware from hum drum to WoW! It is a very durable paint and will hold up well for years.
There are many different paints out on the market.
Don't be afraid to try new products.
It may require learning how to work with it before you use it on a good project, but that is okay.
That really is part of the learning process.
If you have questions about a paint and the behaviors of it, I am certain you can find an expert who love to share their wisdom with you.
Believe me, I have done this many times.
I also return the favor and help others who ask me for advice.
Just jump in and have fun! Amy