Sapphire Series Pulse Generator Datasheet
The Sapphire Series Digital Delay Pulse Generator, with 2 or 4 independent outputs, is our most affordable digital delay pulse generator. It's ideal for applications that require moderate precision and multi-channel capability. The instrument offers a complete set of channel operating modes including continuous, single shot, burst, and duty cycle. These modes combined with external trigger/gate inputs, allows for a full range of complex output waveforms. With intuitive, streamlined GUI control of timing parameters and quick recall of up to 6 system configurations, the instrument is instantly ready for use. Complete control of the Sapphire is provided through the standard USB interface or optional Bluetooth connectivity.
9212: 2 independent channel outputs
9214: 4 independent channel outputs
Standard Communications: USB Port
Congurations: 6 Memory Slots
Rate (To period) 0.001 Hz to 5.000 MHz (200 ns - 1000 s)
Resolution 10 ns
Accuracy 5 ns + (0.0001 x period)
Jitter < 500 ps RMS
Burst Mode 1 to 1,000,000 pulses
Timebase 100 MHz, low jitter PLL
Oscillator 50 MHz, 50 ppm crystal oscillator
System Counter 32 bits
System Output Modes Single, continuous, burst, duty cycle
Width/Delay Resolution 10 ns
Width Range 10 ns - 1000 s
Width Accuracy 10 ns + 0.0001 x (width + delay)
Delay Range ±1000 s
Delay Accuracy 10 ns + (0.0001 x delay)
Output Multiplexer Timing of any/all channels may be MUX'd to any/all outputs.
Channel Output Modes Single Shot, normal, burst, duty cycle
Channel Control Modes Internally triggered, externally triggered or externalyl gated. Each
channel may be independently set to any of the modes.
Rate DC to 5 MHz
Slope Rising or falling
Polarity Active high / active low
Threshold 0.2 to 15 VDC
Max Input Voltage 30 V Peak
Control Mode Pulse inhibit / output inhibit
Minimum Pulse Width 20 ns
Trigger Insertion Delay < 150 ns
Pulse Inhibit Delay < 150 ns
Output Inhibit Delay < 100 ns
Output Impedance 50 ohm
Output Level 3.3 - 5 VDC into = 1K ohm
1.7 - 2.5 VDC into 50 ohm
Resolution 20 mV
Current 5 mA typical into 1K ohm
50 mA typical into 50 ohm
Rise Time < 2ns typ @ 5 V (high impedance)
< 1ns typ @ 2.5 V (50 ohms)
Overshoot < 100 mV + 10 % of pulse amplitude
BT - Bluetooth Connectivity