Federal Grants for Students in American Universities
In recent times, the horizon of education has grown by leaps and bounds; there are several new courses designed in different niches that provide specialized knowledge in that particular field. While the scope for education has widened, the cost of education has also increased. Research suggests that more than 13% of the American students living below the poverty line find it extremely difficult to fund their education.
A large number of American students are denied an opportunity to get world-class education at top-notch American Universities. This is where the Federal government plays a crucial role, the government provides educational grants. The main objective of these grants is to provide equal educational opportunities for all students who find it difficult to pay the high course fees.
Unlike loans or scholarships, Federal grants are no-strings attached money given to students who need financial assistance to pursue further education. The students receiving Federal educational grants need to worry about repaying the money; they are gift money provided by the government. Also, unlike scholarships Federal educational grant are provided to all the needy irrespective of their past educational grades, i.e. they are not merit based, they are simply need based.
The Pell Grant, since its inception in 1972 has been a corner stone for educational funding to low-income families. As per the Pell Grant rules, the amount is given based on the financial information furnished by the students at the beginning of the year. The grant pays for the entire tuition fees of the course, buying books and living expenses.
Students qualifying for Pell Grant are also eligible for getting the National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (SMART) and the Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (AC). The AC grant is specially initiated for undergraduates and sophomores students with excellent academic records and a good history of social activities. The SMART grant provides about $4000 to all junior and senior students pursuing Post graduation or under graduation courses in Math, computer science, engineering or any other science degrees.
Thus, if you looking for an admission to top Universities in US, you need not hold back due to lack of funds, you can avail the Federal Grant and excel in your studies and build a bright career.
A large number of American students are denied an opportunity to get world-class education at top-notch American Universities. This is where the Federal government plays a crucial role, the government provides educational grants. The main objective of these grants is to provide equal educational opportunities for all students who find it difficult to pay the high course fees.
Unlike loans or scholarships, Federal grants are no-strings attached money given to students who need financial assistance to pursue further education. The students receiving Federal educational grants need to worry about repaying the money; they are gift money provided by the government. Also, unlike scholarships Federal educational grant are provided to all the needy irrespective of their past educational grades, i.e. they are not merit based, they are simply need based.
The Pell Grant, since its inception in 1972 has been a corner stone for educational funding to low-income families. As per the Pell Grant rules, the amount is given based on the financial information furnished by the students at the beginning of the year. The grant pays for the entire tuition fees of the course, buying books and living expenses.
Students qualifying for Pell Grant are also eligible for getting the National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (SMART) and the Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (AC). The AC grant is specially initiated for undergraduates and sophomores students with excellent academic records and a good history of social activities. The SMART grant provides about $4000 to all junior and senior students pursuing Post graduation or under graduation courses in Math, computer science, engineering or any other science degrees.
Thus, if you looking for an admission to top Universities in US, you need not hold back due to lack of funds, you can avail the Federal Grant and excel in your studies and build a bright career.