How To Handle Bad Moods
Everyone gets in a bad mood now and then.
It's how we deal with our bad moods, and the bad moods in others, that makes the difference in quality of life.
It's common to have multiple emotions cropping up at the same time.
When you have two or more pressing problems bringing you down, try to address them one by one.
Negative thinking brings on bad moods.
You convince yourself and others, of the truth of your distorted thoughts.
Result: A sense of gloom..
Solution: Learn to understand the different ways of thinking negatively.
Then use this understanding to control your moods...
start a journal or diary or start an art or music piece.
Writing helps you organize and express your thoughts and feelings, and will make things more manageable.
Don't worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation; the important thing is just to get your thoughts on paper.
Examples of negative thinking...
All or nothing.
If your performance falls short of perfect, you see yourself as a failure..
But life is seldom all one way or the other.
A single negative event looms as a never-ending pattern of defeat.
Discounting the positive.
Any compliment meets with the reaction.
"They're just being nice" This self-discounting transforms a positive (praise) into a negative.
Magnification of your imperfections.
Usually accompanied by minimizing good points.
Forced motivation.
You motivate yourself by saying, "I must do that" This air of compulsion leads to guilt when you fall short of your expectations.
Recommended: When you sense yourself falling into these thinking traps, recognize the distortions they produce - and allow for them...
This blunts bad moods.
It's how we deal with our bad moods, and the bad moods in others, that makes the difference in quality of life.
It's common to have multiple emotions cropping up at the same time.
When you have two or more pressing problems bringing you down, try to address them one by one.
Negative thinking brings on bad moods.
You convince yourself and others, of the truth of your distorted thoughts.
Result: A sense of gloom..
Solution: Learn to understand the different ways of thinking negatively.
Then use this understanding to control your moods...
start a journal or diary or start an art or music piece.
Writing helps you organize and express your thoughts and feelings, and will make things more manageable.
Don't worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation; the important thing is just to get your thoughts on paper.
Examples of negative thinking...
All or nothing.
If your performance falls short of perfect, you see yourself as a failure..
But life is seldom all one way or the other.
A single negative event looms as a never-ending pattern of defeat.
Discounting the positive.
Any compliment meets with the reaction.
"They're just being nice" This self-discounting transforms a positive (praise) into a negative.
Magnification of your imperfections.
Usually accompanied by minimizing good points.
Forced motivation.
You motivate yourself by saying, "I must do that" This air of compulsion leads to guilt when you fall short of your expectations.
Recommended: When you sense yourself falling into these thinking traps, recognize the distortions they produce - and allow for them...
This blunts bad moods.