Dating Tips For Men - 5 Questions to Ask a Girl So You Are Guaranteed a Second Date
1. Does she have any hobbies? This will give you an insight into the type of person she is, and will also let you know if there is anything that the pair of you have in common that you can do together.
2. What are her life goals? This question will also give you a better understanding of who she is as a person, and what her aim is in life. You'll also discover if she's the type of girl you really want to be around.
3.What sport interests doe she have? You'll find out if you have something in common with her, and maybe set up some kind of sporting event you can take her on another date.
4. What type of music does she listen to? This also lets you find out if you have something in common, and you can then arrange to buy tickets for you both to see a gig or concert.
5. Does she have any brothers or sisters? This question can usually get a conversation going for ages, and will tell her you're very interested in her. Most people get on well with their siblings, and she'll probably reel of a few funny stories about them.
Any of the above questions are guaranteed to get a conversation rolling, and will keep things on a comfortable level. By asking these questions means you're more than guaranteed to have a successful date, and more importantly set yourself up for another meet with that hot girl.
You'll also find some more great first date tips in our FREE report which can be downloaded from the link below!