Crafts Using Brick Pavers
- Brick pavers are a good choice for a patio or walkway, but that isn't the only way you can use them. Try these craft projects to put some extras to good use or buy some new just for fun. You can find them in most home improvement, hardware or garden stores.
- Pick up a decorative brick paver from your local hardware or garden store. This type of paver has several holes in the middle, creating a decorative pattern. Place it on some cardboard or plastic to block wax from flowing out the bottom. Use plasticine to seal the bottom edges to keep any wax from leaking out there. Place wicks mounted on metal tabs in the holes and pour in melted candle wax. Keep the wicks upright until the wax has set. When it is solid take the plastic or cardboard off the bottom of the paver and you have a decorative candle holder.
- Paint a plain brick paver to make a cute doorstop. Try making an animal like a cat or bunny or something themed like Santa or a scary ghost. Use exterior paint and seal it with a coat of polyurethane if you want it to be durable for outdoor use. You can also glue on decorative items if you plan to use your doorstop indoors.
- Use a large round or square brick paver on a stand to make a small garden table. For a stand, try using an upturned planter, a bird bath base or a plant stand.
- To make a planter, you need a decorative paver with openings in it. Place it on the ground or in a flower bed where you want it. If you think you might have to move it later, put a board under it. Fill the holes with dirt and plant small things like herbs or small strawberry plants in them.
Decorative Paver Candles
Garden Table
Herb Planter