What Are Good Christian Sex Practices?
"What are good Christian sex practices" is a very common question and hopefully I will provide some sound answers for you to follow.
What are good Christian sex practices? 1.
First there is "Agreement" Agreement is very important and it has to do directly with sex practice.
Sex between Christian couples should always be filled with agreement.
You should both agree on the various sexual positions you choose, and the sex techniques you partake in.
There is often a question of what exactly is "allowed" within Christian intimacy.
There is debate over certain practices and positions, but you can always be sure that following the rule of agreement is a good practice to start with.
Second there is "Safety" Safety is a very important part of Christian intimacy.
Whatever positions or practices you agree on they must be reasonably and knowingly safe for you and your partner.
Sex should not pose threat or be of a dangerous nature, thus choosing safe forms of intimacy is definitely a good practice to follow.
Third there is "Pleasure" Unfortunately, this is one point that seems to always be left out of the answers to "what are good Christian sex practices".
And that is too bad.
Because good Christian intimacy should be all about experiencing what the act of sex was meant to entail - pleasure! It is such a great gift from God, which Christian couples should be actively participating in and should be experiencing much pleasure from.
Don't leave pleasure out of the equation, rather keep it among the top 3 factors when it comes to good Christian intimacy.