What Should I Do After I Complete My Reiki Training Course?
Reiki 1 training requires only a few days, but it takes time to develop and fully attune your mind, body and soul to the energy.
Some teachers proffer certificates immediately upon completion of the training.
In my school, I establish the following requirements.
These are intended to encourage students to practice consistently and diligently, rather than just grabbing their certificates and considering themselves trained.
It's nice to exchange ideas with people who understand you and Reiki.
This inspires all students to persevere in their self-development and assure that they feel comfortable in a Reiki community, rather than feeling like a lonely outcast who has no one with whom to share their personal or mystical experiences.
Please don't rush immediately into Reiki 2.
Take your time with Reiki 1.
Develop your discipline, confidence and familiarity with all of the techniques suggested here.
Gain enough experience that you know for certain that you're ready to proceed to the next level.
Some people feel ready in a few months, while others wait a year or two until they feel ready to approach the challenge of Reiki 2.
One client told me that she studied Reiki 1 and 2 in a single weekend but never received instruction in distance healing, purification and emotional changes that occur through the training program.
This was a strong testimonial against "instant healer" courses that you might see advertised.
Please, take your time when you study and be sure you and your teacher very thoroughly cover every aspect of Reiki and the healing process.
Additional Healing Techniques After you become familiar with the basic hand positions in Reiki, you may introduce additional techniques to your practice.
Please don't try all of these at once!Experiment with these techniques one at a time, learning how and when to use them with your patients.
Joining a Reiki share with your teacher and other students provides an opportunity to test these techniques and include them in your healing sessions.
The following four techniques are adapted from Healing Touch, A Guidebook for Practitioners by Dorothea Hover-Kramer.
Ultrasound This technique is similar to "sensing energy" described in an earlier article.
Ultrasound requires practice and focus to be strong enough to use it effectively to heal.
Ultrasound is suitable for deep penetration of fractured bones, tumors, internal bleeding, arthritis and other internal physical issues.
Your visualization ability is a powerful component of this technique.
Hold your thumb, index and middle fingers together; imagining a beam of light emitting from the confluence of your three fingers.
Mentally direct the beam of Reiki to heal deeply within the wound or fracture.
Place your other hand behind the injury to complete the circuit of energy.
Apply ultrasound for 3 to 5 minutes, keeping the beam moving continuously.
In the case of serious injuries, seek professional medical attention as quickly as possible.
Swiveling Stand up during the healing session and allow your hips to swivel clockwise.
This creates a centrifugal motion that pulls heaviness or negativity away from the patient's aura, through your body and into the ground.
I remember that when I first learned Reiki, this movement occurred to me naturally.
It was only several years later that I found the technique described in a book, confirming my intuitive movement.
The spinning motion removes negative energies from the patient which are then grounded through the legs of the healer.
Try this motion while giving Reiki to each chakra.
Be sure to keep yourself well grounded while swiveling, making sure any negative energies are firmly directed from your feet into the earth.
If you like, you can purchase a "hula hoop" if you really want to practice this technique! Magnetic Pain Drain Place your left hand on the area that hurts while holding your right hand towards the ground, away from the body.
For example, you can apply this technique if your patient reports a severe migraine.
Firmly intend to draw negative, painful energy from your patient to travel from your left hand, across your shoulders and out your right arm into the ground.
Shake your right hand three times to discharge the energy.
Continue until you feel the painful energy has been removed.
Next, reverse your hands, putting your right hand on the area being healed while holding your left hand towards the sky to draw in healing energy.
This technique requires visualization skills.
Visualize the pain being pulled away and then imagine filling the area with light and warmth.
This healing procedure requires that you have firmly established your mindfulness during healing and have practiced protection techniques to ensure that no negative energies attach to you.
Your role as a healer is to help remove unwanted energies, not to absorb them yourself! Spinal Energy Flow This technique is applicable for patients with back pain.
Most of the techniques described in this book refer to healing positions with the patient lying down flat on their backs.
To conduct spinal energy flow it may be more comfortable for them to lie face down on the healing surface.
Place one hand on the base of your patient's neck and the other hand at the base of their spine.
Visualize the energy flowing back and forth between your hands like a wave.
Hold this position until the energy flows smoothly and evenly.
Imagine the energy removing blockages or pain.
Maintain this position for 5 to 10 minutes.
Alternatively, place your fingertips directly on one side of the spine while your thumb is on the other side (as if picking up the vertebrae).
Let the energy flow from your finger tips.
This technique is suitable when pain is reported at a very specific location on the back.
Experience is your greatest teacher, so it is essential that you practice as much as possible.
This helps you develop your skills while family and friends benefit from the energy they receive from you.
The next articles will look closely at the nature and characteristics of each of the chakras.
This information will further enhance your knowledge and awareness during healing situations.
This article has been adapted from my book, Personal Transformation through Reiki.
Some teachers proffer certificates immediately upon completion of the training.
In my school, I establish the following requirements.
These are intended to encourage students to practice consistently and diligently, rather than just grabbing their certificates and considering themselves trained.
- Purify your home and healing area with Reiki, candles and incense
- Perform a self healing every day for the first 21 days (at least) after receiving your attunement
- Perform hands-on healings with at least 6 different people
- Practice using Reiki with animals, plants and food
- Arrange and receive distant healing from your teacher
- Attend Reiki shares with your teacher and other students
It's nice to exchange ideas with people who understand you and Reiki.
This inspires all students to persevere in their self-development and assure that they feel comfortable in a Reiki community, rather than feeling like a lonely outcast who has no one with whom to share their personal or mystical experiences.
Please don't rush immediately into Reiki 2.
Take your time with Reiki 1.
Develop your discipline, confidence and familiarity with all of the techniques suggested here.
Gain enough experience that you know for certain that you're ready to proceed to the next level.
Some people feel ready in a few months, while others wait a year or two until they feel ready to approach the challenge of Reiki 2.
One client told me that she studied Reiki 1 and 2 in a single weekend but never received instruction in distance healing, purification and emotional changes that occur through the training program.
This was a strong testimonial against "instant healer" courses that you might see advertised.
Please, take your time when you study and be sure you and your teacher very thoroughly cover every aspect of Reiki and the healing process.
Additional Healing Techniques After you become familiar with the basic hand positions in Reiki, you may introduce additional techniques to your practice.
Please don't try all of these at once!Experiment with these techniques one at a time, learning how and when to use them with your patients.
Joining a Reiki share with your teacher and other students provides an opportunity to test these techniques and include them in your healing sessions.
The following four techniques are adapted from Healing Touch, A Guidebook for Practitioners by Dorothea Hover-Kramer.
Ultrasound This technique is similar to "sensing energy" described in an earlier article.
Ultrasound requires practice and focus to be strong enough to use it effectively to heal.
Ultrasound is suitable for deep penetration of fractured bones, tumors, internal bleeding, arthritis and other internal physical issues.
Your visualization ability is a powerful component of this technique.
Hold your thumb, index and middle fingers together; imagining a beam of light emitting from the confluence of your three fingers.
Mentally direct the beam of Reiki to heal deeply within the wound or fracture.
Place your other hand behind the injury to complete the circuit of energy.
Apply ultrasound for 3 to 5 minutes, keeping the beam moving continuously.
In the case of serious injuries, seek professional medical attention as quickly as possible.
Swiveling Stand up during the healing session and allow your hips to swivel clockwise.
This creates a centrifugal motion that pulls heaviness or negativity away from the patient's aura, through your body and into the ground.
I remember that when I first learned Reiki, this movement occurred to me naturally.
It was only several years later that I found the technique described in a book, confirming my intuitive movement.
The spinning motion removes negative energies from the patient which are then grounded through the legs of the healer.
Try this motion while giving Reiki to each chakra.
Be sure to keep yourself well grounded while swiveling, making sure any negative energies are firmly directed from your feet into the earth.
If you like, you can purchase a "hula hoop" if you really want to practice this technique! Magnetic Pain Drain Place your left hand on the area that hurts while holding your right hand towards the ground, away from the body.
For example, you can apply this technique if your patient reports a severe migraine.
Firmly intend to draw negative, painful energy from your patient to travel from your left hand, across your shoulders and out your right arm into the ground.
Shake your right hand three times to discharge the energy.
Continue until you feel the painful energy has been removed.
Next, reverse your hands, putting your right hand on the area being healed while holding your left hand towards the sky to draw in healing energy.
This technique requires visualization skills.
Visualize the pain being pulled away and then imagine filling the area with light and warmth.
This healing procedure requires that you have firmly established your mindfulness during healing and have practiced protection techniques to ensure that no negative energies attach to you.
Your role as a healer is to help remove unwanted energies, not to absorb them yourself! Spinal Energy Flow This technique is applicable for patients with back pain.
Most of the techniques described in this book refer to healing positions with the patient lying down flat on their backs.
To conduct spinal energy flow it may be more comfortable for them to lie face down on the healing surface.
Place one hand on the base of your patient's neck and the other hand at the base of their spine.
Visualize the energy flowing back and forth between your hands like a wave.
Hold this position until the energy flows smoothly and evenly.
Imagine the energy removing blockages or pain.
Maintain this position for 5 to 10 minutes.
Alternatively, place your fingertips directly on one side of the spine while your thumb is on the other side (as if picking up the vertebrae).
Let the energy flow from your finger tips.
This technique is suitable when pain is reported at a very specific location on the back.
Experience is your greatest teacher, so it is essential that you practice as much as possible.
This helps you develop your skills while family and friends benefit from the energy they receive from you.
The next articles will look closely at the nature and characteristics of each of the chakras.
This information will further enhance your knowledge and awareness during healing situations.
This article has been adapted from my book, Personal Transformation through Reiki.