Does Love Always Win?
The superficial love proves to last a few months or years. Therefore, when you are single today, it is vital that you go beyond looks and realize that you need to find a mate who is wholesome. A partner who can best compliment you. It is better for you to wait a while before getting married and you get the right partner. There are people who often question whether there is ever such a thing as a 'right person'. This really depends on what you are looking for. One thing you can be sure about is that people will come with very many characteristics. Your work is to look at the values that might please you in a partner and when you find them, you will have found your perfect match. We sometimes complicate this process by looking for a person who is perfect. If you want perfection, you need also be to be perfect which you are not. Therefore, finding a right mate is cementing your relationship on a solid ground which cannot be shaken.
Once you have brought home the love of your life, there are other things like conflicts that may make you have tension in your relationship. Make up your mind and say that love always wins. With this attitude, you will be in a position to find a common ground where you can agree whenever you have problems. Therefore, the willingness to work out problems each time goes a very long way to make love conquer all. You need to keep in mind that love is not just words. In marriage, love is a lifestyle. It is something you show to the other person on a daily basis. If you are not willing to show it practically, it will be hard to maintain your union. Spend time together and have activities for each other. This way, instead of being strangers, you will be closer to each other and, this can only work best for your relationship.