Bacne - Acne on Back
Bacne - yep, acne on your back.
It occurs on the back in the form of blackheads, pimples and spots and these can reach an advanced stage in the form of cysts.
It's more likely to be ignored because it's generally out of sight, and for this reason it's essential that it should be taken care of in time.
Men or prone to this kind of acne as compared to women.
Acne is a always a big deal, but this type of acne can lead to back discomfort, too.
You can't possibly keep this part of the body untouched either by carrying something, or pressed against clothing.
And of course, you can't wear that backless top or dare bare your back on the beach.
Clogged pores are basically the main reason for acne breakouts.
Your back has thousands of sebaceous glands that produce sebum or oil.
Once these glands are clogged because of bacteria and other foreign materials, then you can expect acne breakouts on your back.
Bacne can be harder to treat than facial acne.
This is due largely to the fact that keeping the back clean is harder than other parts of the body that are easily reached.
Here are some simple tips that you can follow to treat mild to moderate back acne: 1.
Start with a healthy diet, as vegetables and fruits keep the body in homeostasis or in balance (detoxify your body).
Taking a vitamin and mineral supplement is also proven to speed up the healing process of acne.
Perspiration can worsen your acne problem.
And when it comes to acne on your back, this can be a real problem since the back area tends to sweat a lot.
To prevent sweating, you can actually wear comfortable and loose clothes.
Avoid clothes that cling to your skin.
Clothes made from cotton are recommended as it creates better airflow.
If you can, change your shirt twice a day to prevent bacteria buildup.
Buy a back scubber.
Some of the best tools are for cleaning the back are loofahs or brushes that come on a stick.
A loofah sponge should be just abrasive enough to remove dead skin cells while lathering up.
The idea is to gently remove (also know as exfoliating) dirt, oils, and excess cells that may clog up pores without being so harsh that the skin is broken.
Shower at least twice a day--once in the morning before you dress and once at night before you go to bed.
This way, you wash off the oil and dead skin that has accumulated overnight and during the day underneath your clothing.
Use a cleanser that contains salicylic or glycolic acid.
Your back's skin is some of the toughest on the human body, and for this reason bacne products are usually stronger and should not under any circumstances be applied to the face.
Also, you typically can use several acne treatment products at once without causing irritation.
Once the skin gets dry, apply alpha hydroxy lotion.
Once the lotion gets dried, apply approximately 10 per cent benzoyl peroxide gel or cream to the affected areas.
This is all you really need to do to treat back acne.
Of course if your case is severe, you should consult a dermatologist.
It occurs on the back in the form of blackheads, pimples and spots and these can reach an advanced stage in the form of cysts.
It's more likely to be ignored because it's generally out of sight, and for this reason it's essential that it should be taken care of in time.
Men or prone to this kind of acne as compared to women.
Acne is a always a big deal, but this type of acne can lead to back discomfort, too.
You can't possibly keep this part of the body untouched either by carrying something, or pressed against clothing.
And of course, you can't wear that backless top or dare bare your back on the beach.
Clogged pores are basically the main reason for acne breakouts.
Your back has thousands of sebaceous glands that produce sebum or oil.
Once these glands are clogged because of bacteria and other foreign materials, then you can expect acne breakouts on your back.
Bacne can be harder to treat than facial acne.
This is due largely to the fact that keeping the back clean is harder than other parts of the body that are easily reached.
Here are some simple tips that you can follow to treat mild to moderate back acne: 1.
Start with a healthy diet, as vegetables and fruits keep the body in homeostasis or in balance (detoxify your body).
Taking a vitamin and mineral supplement is also proven to speed up the healing process of acne.
Perspiration can worsen your acne problem.
And when it comes to acne on your back, this can be a real problem since the back area tends to sweat a lot.
To prevent sweating, you can actually wear comfortable and loose clothes.
Avoid clothes that cling to your skin.
Clothes made from cotton are recommended as it creates better airflow.
If you can, change your shirt twice a day to prevent bacteria buildup.
Buy a back scubber.
Some of the best tools are for cleaning the back are loofahs or brushes that come on a stick.
A loofah sponge should be just abrasive enough to remove dead skin cells while lathering up.
The idea is to gently remove (also know as exfoliating) dirt, oils, and excess cells that may clog up pores without being so harsh that the skin is broken.
Shower at least twice a day--once in the morning before you dress and once at night before you go to bed.
This way, you wash off the oil and dead skin that has accumulated overnight and during the day underneath your clothing.
Use a cleanser that contains salicylic or glycolic acid.
Your back's skin is some of the toughest on the human body, and for this reason bacne products are usually stronger and should not under any circumstances be applied to the face.
Also, you typically can use several acne treatment products at once without causing irritation.
Once the skin gets dry, apply alpha hydroxy lotion.
Once the lotion gets dried, apply approximately 10 per cent benzoyl peroxide gel or cream to the affected areas.
This is all you really need to do to treat back acne.
Of course if your case is severe, you should consult a dermatologist.