How to Mix Ceramic Tile Grout
- 1). Put about an inch of water in the bottom of your bucket. Pour in your powdered grout until it completely covers the water.
- 2). Begin stirring with your four-inch putty knife. Use the flat side of the knife to scrape the bottom and sides of the bucket repeatedly, making sure there are no dried clumps of grout stuck there.
- 3). Add water and grout powder alternately as you're stirring, until you have about gallon of grout (meaning your two-gallon bucket is half full). Adjust powder and water amounts so the grout becomes the thickness of cake frosting, or toothpaste.
- 4). Let the grout ``slake'' in the bucket for 10 minutes. This allows the chemicals in the grout to meld with one another. Don't stir or otherwise disturb the mix during this time.
- 5). After slaking, re-mix the grout with your putty knife. Scoop it out of the bucket with your grout float and apply it directly to the area to be tiled. When grouting, run one flat edge of the float across the surface, holding it at an angle to squeeze the excess of the tops of the tiles while forcing it into the spaces between them. Let the grout sit in the lines for a minute, then wipe it all down with a damp sponge.