Do Nice Guys Always Finish Last When it Comes to Getting Girls? - This is an Absolute Must Know
The problem with this question is that the definition of nice guy is just not clear.
If a nice guy is boring, passive and not a great looker, then he's surely out of the race.
The fact is that most girls are in awe of young, handsome and dashing guys that ooze confidence and sex appeal from every pore of their body.
It also helps if the guy is rolling in dough, which basically is of the green and non-sticky kind.
However, there is also a huge section of girls that cannot stand such guys and would rather prefer 'nice guys'.
The definition of 'nice guys' in their mind is that although the guy might be nerdy and could only be riding a Honda instead of a Hayabusa, he should still be smart, caring and interesting.
A little bit of unpredictability helps although selling the roof over his head to find out the true meaning of life while sitting cross-legged on top of a mountain does not.
The ideal nice guy should not be passive, should be able to flirt and speak his mind, should be caring, stimulating and courteous and of course, a decent pile of green dough always helps.
Such nice guys have a better chance at succeeding than meek nice guys who get rejected repeatedly and hence find their self-esteem sinking lower after each rejection.
Hence, while nice might be nice, too much nice is not necessary a good thing.
A little bit of confidence can make a nice guy appear cool and the ability to take selected risks regarding girls might pay off in the long run.
Anyway, those girls that are only interested in really bad guys might end up learning the hard way that bad guys are at the end of the day, well, bad.
If you are a nice guy, then maybe it's time you change to an active, confident and cool nice guy.
By taking the nice guy image a notch higher, you might be able to meet a nice girl or if the heavens are truly smiling upon you, even a cool nice girl.