Homemade Dry Shampoo for Camping
- The ideal substance used to create a dry shampoo needs to be fine enough to spread among the strands, but not so fine that it turns into a sticky paste when combined with oil. The best ingredient for dry shampoo is coarse cornmeal. Any other type of coarsely ground flour can also work, such as whole wheat, oatmeal or rye. If you only have finer powders, use cornstarch, corn flower or baking soda. If you have none of these products, you can also use finely ground white rice or potato flour.
- Dry shampoos coat the hair with a fine substance that absorbs the dirty oils. You then brush the substance from your hair, carrying the dirty oil away. It's not the most effective means for cleaning your hair, but works well in the short term. Sprinkle the dry shampoo mainly on the scalp and then brush it into the hair. It's key to brush your hair very well to get out as much of the dry shampoo as possible.
- Never use dry shampoo on wet or damp hair, the moisture will make the dry shampoo turn into a sticky mess. Always apply the dry shampoo in small pinches. It's easy to add more shampoo if your hair is still dirty, but difficult to remove if you use too much. The exact amount of dry shampoo needed depends entirely on the length and thickness of your hair.
Dry shampoo can have a dehydrating effect on hair. This may not cause any issues for people with oily hair, but may turn your hair into straw if you have dry strands. To remedy dry hair, apply a few drops of oil to your fingers and slide them among your brittle strands. Always make sure the dry shampoo is brushed out completely before applying oil. - The quickest dry shampoo recipe requires one cup coarse cornmeal and a large plastic bag that seals. Pour the cornmeal into the bag, let out the excess air and seal. Store the dry shampoo in a water-tight container to prevent moisture from seeping in and making the cornmeal useless. One cup should be enough for a family of four with average length hair to use one or two times each.
Dry Shampoo Recipe