Building Comfort Like a Pickup Artist
Regardless of if you are in the game to pick up women for the night or are looking to find a woman for a long term relationship.
You will need to know how to build comfort.
A word on the process.
Building comfort must be done after you build attraction.
The reason why is that comfort without attraction leads a woman to put you in the "friend" category.
As many of you know this is a deep dark hole that is the bane of many men.
However if she is attracted to you first you become this attractive guy who she had a great time with and feels safe with.
Make sure you build attraction first.
How do you build attraction? 1.
That's right simply talking to her and getting to know her is one of the best ways to build comfort.
You also want to share stuff about yourself so she feels as though shes gotten to know you.
Soul gazing.
If you have never heard of soul gazing you are missing out.
Its not some weird mystical thing its simply sitting there with a girl and looking deeply into her eyes for a prolonged period.
It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul and if you look into someones eyes it builds a connection with them very quickly.
Cold reading.
Cold reading is the art of being able to tell someone something that sounds like it was tailor made for them but in reality applies to almost every one.
Now if your the type of person who believes in psychics, palm readers and the like you will want to stop reading here.
I'm not going to go into it in depth but psychics use cold reading to make people think they know things about them.
You can use cold reading to make a woman feel that you understand her and are connected to her on some deep level.