Smoking Quitting Gets a Big Yes When You Consider the Risks

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It is a well-known fact that there are many risks surrounding the inhalation of cigarette smoke.
However, even with all the odds heavily stacked against staying healthy, people still struggle to kick the habit of smoking.
This leaves us with one big question which will be on everyone's mind concerned about their health i.
What kind of risks do I take with my life when I decide to smoke? To begin, the body largely depends on all the chemicals in tobacco.
Most of the chemicals in cigarette smoke are harmful to the body.
To name just a few: Stearic acid (also found in candle wax), Ammonia (also found in toilet cleaner), Methanol (also found in rocket fuel) and Cadmium (also found in batteries).
Cigarette smoke also contains Carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide is a gas.
After inhaling it, it takes the place of oxygen in your blood.
This should be enough to really put anyone off smoking, but sadly it is easier said than done.
Despite of all the negative publicity surrounding the harmful effects of smoking, people still struggle to quit.
They quickly give up the idea, because they feel they are lacking the willpower.
Others might want to do something about it, but to a lesser degree.
They think by switching brands their health gains will really be in proportion to the reduction in rated tar and nicotine levels or that the brand with lower tar and nicotine levels is nearly safe.
Studies have showed to the contrary that the degree of benefit most smokers can expect from switching to brands with lower tar and nicotine levels, if any, is small compared with the benefit of stopping smoking completely.
There is an good explanation for people to think this way.
It all boils down to addiction.
It is not to say that people do not realize that smoking is harmful to the body, but the nicotine in cigarette smoke is drawing our will to live healthy in the opposite direction.
Some researchers belief that nicotine is as addictive as heroine.
When the body is put under a state where it has to forego these chemicals, withdrawal symptoms are normally experienced.
Every time that a person smokes, a dosage of nicotine is taken up into the bloodstream and pumped through the body.
After a person has extinguished his cigarette and the nicotine levels wear of, the body starts feeling restless again.
This results in the person lighting up another cigarette.
Looking at the following side effects of smoking gives us so much more reason to quit altogether: 1.
Increased risk of mouth cancer, cervical cancer, throat cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, gastrointestinal cancer.
It reduces the blood flow, which causes skin to wrinkle and results in premature ageing.
Reduced blood flow also slows down any healing process the body needs to undertake.
It causes the fingernails and teeth to go yellow.
It raises the blood pressure in the body, increasing the risk of a possible stroke or heart attack.
It reduces the absorption of insulin which can be detrimental for people with diabetes.
It can cause miscarriages, bleeding problems or birth defects i.
babies normally have weaker lungs than those with mothers that never smoked.
Children whose parents smoke within close proximity get pneumonia, bronchitis and ear infections more often and the attacks with those with asthma get it more frequent and severe.
It can cause ulcers and gallstones.
It causes resistance of the airways which result in a person wasting more energy in getting the sufficient amount of oxygen to the blood than actually could have been used on physical activities.
Quitting smoking may be difficult, but knowing the benefits to your health and those surrounding you can outweigh all challenges one may encounter.
By making the right decisions today it is possible to stop smoking all together.
Hope is not lost.
It is always exciting to know for those that consider quitting smoking that in just 20 minutes after stopping you can already benefit from a normalized blood pressure and pulse.
The longer one stays smoke-free, the bigger the benefits you will experience.
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