Princess Mural Ideas
- Create a unique princess mural for your child.sweet girl image by chinatiger from
Decorating your little girl's room can be a lot of fun--but some parents aren't sure where to begin. One way to decorate the room is to create a theme. For a girl who likes storybook princesses, a princess theme works well. Let your creativity run wild by painting a princess mural on one of the walls. - Paint a large crown design mural for a fun twist on the standard princess mural. The crown itself can be hot pink with silver or gold touches. Paint a slight shadow behind it. Over the top of the crown, paint pictures of stars in soft blues and yellows. To add some sparkle, paint some of the stars in a glittery, metallic color.
- Create the room of your daughter's dreams with a princess castle mural. The castle could be up on a hill, in the green countryside. At the bottom of the hill, include blue water. Paint the sky a light blue above the castle. Make it look realistic by adding rocks in the water and other subtle details such as weathering on the castle. Paint balconies and flags on the top of the castle.
- By itself, or incorporated into the other suggested mural designs, include a ribbon banner with your child's name on it. Paint the banner at the top of the mural design in a shade of lavender or pink. Paint your child's name on the ribbon with a darker-colored paint. Your child will feel special with her princess mural personalized just for her.
Name Banner