How to Get Him Back Without Struggling - Tips on How to Save Your Relationship Before It"s Too Late
what do I do?" Does this sound like what you're going through? Don't worry, you're not alone...
most women have no idea how to win back a guy and as a result they end up pushing their ex farther away.
The good news is that you can easily learn how his emotions work and use this knowledge to turn things around...
and get him back in your arms quickly.
Why guys leave A man usually leaves a woman because of reasons you may not expect.
By understanding his reasons, you stand a much stronger chance of saving the relationship.
Not only is it crucial to learn why men leave, it's also crucial you learn how to avoid making the mistakes that will only drive him away from you.
Respect and admiration are usually want most men crave.
It's a misconception that most men leave for a more attractive woman.
A typical complaint expressed by men is that they want the "nagging" to end.
He's actually frustrated because she seems so unhappy with him.
In his mind, he contributes a lot to the relationship and is confused why his partner doesn't see that.
Does this mean you must walk around on eggshells, never expressing if you're upset? Of course not.
Just don't lose sight of his good qualities and make sure you express how happy you are with all he does for you and the relationship.
How to get him back Men usually want what they can't have.
If you make yourself too available and throw yourself at him, his tendency will be to take you for granted and continue to do whatever he wants...
including seeing other women.
He knows he can get you back whenever he chooses, and there is no motivation for him to change.
If you push too hard to get him back, his natural reaction will be to pull away.
Feelings of fear and even panic can drive you to do things that you normally wouldn't.
If he feels like you're throwing yourself at him, it's likely he will put up an emotional wall.
Constantly calling him, sending emails/text messages, arguing about the relationship, etc, this is exactly the type actions that will make him pull away from you.
Do something counter-intuitive...
break off all contact for a while.
Taking a break demonstrates that you're no longer throwing yourself at him.
Without any pressure, he will be naturally miss you again.
Of course the process of getting him back is probably going to involve more than just backing off and giving him space.
If you can do this, then everything you do from that point forward will be much easier.
This will help you to move things forward so you can heal your relationship or move on with grace knowing you've done all you can.