Personal Mastery Principles
There are people who fully understand how important it is to develop their skill and know their strengths and weaknesses to be able to deal with their growth and development.
Those who have known and developed personal mastery would be able to listen to themselves and maintain balance in their life.
Personal or self mastery would also enable people to manage their energy levels and minimize dependence with stimulants to increase their energy levels.
To attain personal mastery, there are principles that would be the guide of a person in a quest for growth and maturity.
Principles behind personal and self mastery are actually fundamental concepts that are essential when building professional, social and spiritual relationships.
The first one is how success is defined.
In personal mastery, the internal change is actually more important than what had happened to you.
Self mastery is also based on reality.
It is important for the follower to spend time and energy in things that can be controlled, like the present and the future.
It is important to let go of reactive attitude like resentment, complaint, blame and just wishful thinking.
Another principle behind self mastery is understanding that what happens to your life is based on your own choices and not from anybody else.
We should take responsibility for what had happened in our life.
Therefore, decisions about our lives should be made by our own will.
We have to know the weaknesses and strengths of our character.
This would enable us to change how we think, feel and behave.
Having a clear vision of what we want and what we should do to achieve it are also principles behind personal mastery.
After identifying our goals and how we can attain our goals, then it is about time to translate them into action.
This would be the application of our vision, values and principles that we chose to follow.
These key principles would help the followers: o How to deal with difficult and challenging situations.
o Isolate positive behaviors and feelings and work on them.
o Accept difficult and harsh realities of life.
o Let go of negativity like resentment and blame.
o Understand the importance and freedom that comes with responsibility.
o Set goals for yourself.
o Identify your principles in life.
o Prioritize what is more important to you.
o Deepen your commitment o Develop self-confidence and self-esteem o Accept imperfection and build on one's strength.
o Feel the connection between oneself to others.
o Develop an inquisitive mind o Adapt and work with change Overall, an individual who have attained personal mastery would be able to raise self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-responsibility.
What it great about personal mastery is that individuals would recognize that they are part of a system.
They know that they would be able to contribute and influence through their creative ideas although they would also be conscious that controlling the situation or the system is impossible.
Personal mastery is something that does not happen as an accident not overnight.
It would require discipline and reinforcements.
Those who are in the path or personal mastery would oftentimes attend trainings, seminars, coaching and counseling to make sure that what they have learned in personal mastery is not at lost again in the midst of selfishness and materialism.
Those who have known and developed personal mastery would be able to listen to themselves and maintain balance in their life.
Personal or self mastery would also enable people to manage their energy levels and minimize dependence with stimulants to increase their energy levels.
To attain personal mastery, there are principles that would be the guide of a person in a quest for growth and maturity.
Principles behind personal and self mastery are actually fundamental concepts that are essential when building professional, social and spiritual relationships.
The first one is how success is defined.
In personal mastery, the internal change is actually more important than what had happened to you.
Self mastery is also based on reality.
It is important for the follower to spend time and energy in things that can be controlled, like the present and the future.
It is important to let go of reactive attitude like resentment, complaint, blame and just wishful thinking.
Another principle behind self mastery is understanding that what happens to your life is based on your own choices and not from anybody else.
We should take responsibility for what had happened in our life.
Therefore, decisions about our lives should be made by our own will.
We have to know the weaknesses and strengths of our character.
This would enable us to change how we think, feel and behave.
Having a clear vision of what we want and what we should do to achieve it are also principles behind personal mastery.
After identifying our goals and how we can attain our goals, then it is about time to translate them into action.
This would be the application of our vision, values and principles that we chose to follow.
These key principles would help the followers: o How to deal with difficult and challenging situations.
o Isolate positive behaviors and feelings and work on them.
o Accept difficult and harsh realities of life.
o Let go of negativity like resentment and blame.
o Understand the importance and freedom that comes with responsibility.
o Set goals for yourself.
o Identify your principles in life.
o Prioritize what is more important to you.
o Deepen your commitment o Develop self-confidence and self-esteem o Accept imperfection and build on one's strength.
o Feel the connection between oneself to others.
o Develop an inquisitive mind o Adapt and work with change Overall, an individual who have attained personal mastery would be able to raise self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-responsibility.
What it great about personal mastery is that individuals would recognize that they are part of a system.
They know that they would be able to contribute and influence through their creative ideas although they would also be conscious that controlling the situation or the system is impossible.
Personal mastery is something that does not happen as an accident not overnight.
It would require discipline and reinforcements.
Those who are in the path or personal mastery would oftentimes attend trainings, seminars, coaching and counseling to make sure that what they have learned in personal mastery is not at lost again in the midst of selfishness and materialism.