Four Key Factors That Help Strengthen Our Prayers to God
Prayers are our means of communicating our thoughts to God and letting him know our true desires.
Prayers are done in truth, in spirit, in need, in gratitude and in many other ways as the mind and heart succumbs to all the different situations we face in life.
However like everything in life prayers depend on how we feel.
It is difficult to control how we feel at all times which also makes it difficult to control the words we utter to God in prayer.
Below are some of the key factors that can strengthen our prayers to God.
A child before God God is a being beyond our comprehension.
He knows our thoughts before we utter them to him.
It is pointless believing that we can have a clever prayer.
It is pointless believing that we can say words of intellect that would be better received than those of another person.
We are all children before God in spite of our age, occupation, or position in society.
The fact is a prayer that is said in the wholeness of this humility before God is far stronger than one with fanciful words for others to recognize our education.
A child is innocent and speaks from the heart.
Even as adults we must recognize this innocence within us and return to it when we call upon the Lord.
If we can do this then our prayers would be better fulfilled before God.
Eliminating doubt in prayer The Lord teaches us that when we pray we should believe that we have received and have no doubt that God has heard our prayers.
The fact remains that it is not at all times that we would feel this conviction that God has heard our prayers.
The spirit can feel full sometimes and at others empty.
However there are certain things we can do to make our prayers be more fulfilled.
We must allocate time for God as this allows us to get closer to him and in turn believe that he can hear us.
It is a practice that can be done with fasting, meditating and constantly calling upon him.
Spending time with God strengthens our communication in prayer to him.
Scripture Reading the bible constantly is another means by which we can strengthen our prayers to God.
The word of God is God and it is by his word that we can know him better in order to communicate with him more efficiently.
Reading our bible constantly brings us closer to God, to others that believed in him and to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
We become better sons and daughters of his word by learning more about him.
If we know his word better we would obey his commandments in grace and by so doing improve our means of communication with him.
It is by scripture that we learn to say the Lord's prayer, sing psalms, say proverbs and fully comprehend how men of God should speak to God.
Giving the burden to Christ The most important way of strengthening our prayers to God is by handing over the burden of communicating our thoughts to God to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
He is the way, the truth, the life and our minister before God.
He holds good counsel for us and would carry any loads that overwhelm our mortal shoulders.
God has given him to us to die for our sins and save us from ourselves.
If we believe that we fail in prayer due to weakness, lack of motivation, education and all other factors that we cannot categorize then we should simply call upon our Lord to intercede for us.
Christ would speak for us through the spirit and no words would be needed for us to feel fulfilled in prayer.