5 Hot Ways on How to Approach Girls at a Mall
How do I approach girls in a mall? Well, before we get into the meat, there are some things you must first acknowledge.
Women that walk in the mall are mostly looking for something, depending on the time.
Usually it's food, clothes, or the guilty pleasure of window shopping.
Most just want to kill time next to their favorite brand stores.
The reasons vary why they roam in, and unfortunately, it's not because they want to be picked up by a guy.
Now, don't get frustrated or worry a bit, since there is a loophole here and the mall is indeed, a perfect location to meet and attract women.
With the right mind and attitude, you can always attract that special someone regardless of where you are.
Here are 5 mall game tips.
Don't regard the Mall as one big component, otherwise it becomes too intimidating.
Break it down.
Remember that the Mall itself is made up of different small shops: coffee shops, clothing, fast food, gadget stores and etc.
Instead of roaming on the corridor looking for woman like a desperate wolf, get into coffee shops or book stores and give it a shot.
The time of visit is crucial.
Preferably, you should hit the Mall around night time when some most women would drop by to shop or fulfill their daily coffee dosage.
But if you are the type that fancies desperate housewives, and given that you won't be disturbed by the thought of having their son around, then come during the morning or afternoon hours.
Blend in.
Let's say the girl's in the electronic section shopping for the latest iPod Nano.
Even if you're dead broke, align your buying intention with hers.
This method is a great conversation starter, and you can begin by exchanging your comments on the iPod colors, incredible memory space for such a small product.
If she's eyeing the purple iPod, ask her why purple? Is it her favorite color? Does it represent her character? What songs will she be smothering her iPod with? 4.
Ask questions like you're a tourist.
This is one of the most well-received ways on how to approach girls at a mall.
Yes, pretend that you're a tourist visiting the place for the first time.
You can confess that you aren't later, and she won't even care.
Start with "Excuse me, but do you know...
" and bang! That's your bridge into a steady dialogue.
After all, if she seems impatient in responding to you, all you have to do is just hit on the next girl.
Step out your boundaries.
Check out the girl's clothing section.
Obviously you want to go where they go.
What I like to do is tell your target that you're looking for a dress for your niece or nephew, then ask for her opinion on which may suit better.
It might sound strange and foreign to you at first, but it works like a charm.
Women love to offer their opinions, and by turning to them, it makes them feel important and respected.
Arm yourself with these five timeless tips and you'll never struggle with how to approach girls at at the mall again.
For more cutting edge dating tips for guys on how to become an alpha male, or for further groundbreaking insights on how to succeed with women and how to attract a girl, make sure you check out my other live articles available on here.
Here's a toast to your dating success, Respect, Andrew Wang Creator of Sync Dating and Instant Addiction Formula