Instructions for How to Make a Money Tree for a Pastor's Anniversary
- 1). Find a large tree limb with many small branches. Strip off the dead leaves and any disfiguring parts, such as loose bark or broken branches. Spray-paint the limb with gold or silver paint and allow it to dry.
- 2). Insert the painted limb into a large flower pot and surround it with soil or sand, or stick it into a block of floral foam and cover it with several layers of various colored glass stones. Add water to the pot, if the limb isn't securely standing upright. Decorate the pot with your pastor's name and the date of the anniversary. Decoupage pictures of your pastor performing acts of ministry onto the flower pot.
- 3). Slide small rubber bands onto the limb's branches so that congregants can affix money to the tree. Alternatively, set out a bowl of decorative ribbons or metallic twist ties for holding cash in place. Take three or four bills and accordion-pleat them. Affix them in various spots on the tree to encourage congregants to likewise contribute.
- 4). Place a small basket near the base of the tree in which congregants can leave notes of blessings and good wishes for your pastor. Title the basket "Blessings for Pastor" by writing the words with a permanent marker on a piece of paper or a label and placing it on the basket. Place a container with slips of paper and a few pens next to the tree to encourage fellow church members to write blessing notes.
- 5). Hang small decorations on the tree that symbolize ways that your pastor tends to his flock. Draw depictions of these on small tree balls or write a one- or two-word phrase that describes the act. Suggestions include praying hands, tiny Bibles and small hearts, or words like prayer, comfort, love, preach, teach, counsel and living example.
- 6). Set the tree, along with the "Blessings for Pastor" basket and the container of note slips and pens, in a prominent place where people can access them easily. Include a sheet of instructions, if you think that people might need some pointers. Spread the word about the money tree before holding the potluck dinner, and mention it again before people begin to fill up their plates at the dinner.