Home-Built Electronics Projects
- Many homemade electronics projects are available for those interested.electronics. image by Eldin Muratovic from Fotolia.com
Electronics can seem complicated, but believe it or not, it is possible for the average person with a little curiosity and initiative to build many common electronic devices on her own using relatively easy-to-find materials. From remote controllers to radio transmitters, the Internet is full of resources detailing how to construct all of these projects. - If you enjoy laser light shows, you can create your own laser light projector. You can buy a laser unit for a relatively inexpensive price, and the other parts you have to build are a galvanometer, a servo amplifier, and a controller. The galvanometer measures electric current. The servo controls the operation of the laser. The controller operates the laser. The materials for this project include copper wires, base frames, ball bearings, several types of electrodes, and circuit board materials. See the References section for details.
- You can build your own amplifier to go with you stereo system quite easily. In order to build this amplifier, you will need a basic understanding of circuit design. The major components of this amplifier system are the amplifier circuit, the input selection and volume control, the power supply and the circuit boards. This project does contain wiring that carries household AC current, which requires a suitably qualified person, so be aware of this before attempting to undertake the project. See the References section for details.
- You have two choices when designing and constructing your own remote control. You can make either a radio-frequency remote controller or an infrared remote controller. The difference is simply which mechanism you use in order to send the command signal from the remote to your television or other electronic device. The other major components include a PIC microcontroller, downloadable software, and some basic circuitry. See the References section for details.
- Another home electronics project is a homemade combination lock. Its design lends itself to use with an outdoor gate or some similar application. It runs based on software which activates a relay when a specific code is typed into a keypad. The software is available for download in several versions. The hardware consists of a keypad, a DC power source, and a buzzer. See the References section for details.
Laser Projector
Hi-Fi Amplifier
Remote Controller
Combination Lock